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你的朋友刚才把你枪毙了。Your friends have just shot you.

奥斯汀预料自己会被当场枪毙。Austin expected to be shot on the spot.

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皮安尼会告诉他们我被枪毙了。Piani would tell them they had shot me.

假使有人捉住我,他们就会枪毙我。If they were to catch me, they would shoot me.

这些囚犯被分批带出去枪毙了。The prisoners were led out in batches and shot.

马上拉出去枪毙!不用考虑!Immediately pull out of shot! Do not have to consider!

我应该亲自枪毙你,你这个该死的爱哭鬼!I ought to shoot you myself, you goddamn crying bastard!

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很快的,他就被带上刑场枪毙。Very soon, he was brought to the execution ground and shot.

他们会叫你伸出手来看,发现手上有火药味,就枪毙。And they will look at your hands. You smell of powder. Shot.

而在中国你会被枪毙,公司会被充公。In China they may shoot the owner and confiscate the company.

他们不会开小差,因为开了小差,一家老小都要给枪毙。Old man Calvin worked in a wheat mill not far from his house.

他心想,明天绝对会被拖出去枪毙。以下是我记忆中的故事原文。From here, I'll tell the story as I remember it in my own words.

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出乎大家的预料,阿卡蒂奥没有枪毙这个鲁莽的人。Contrary to what everyone expected, Arcadio did not have him shot.

在道义上说,这就相当于把一个乱穿马路的人枪毙。The moral equivalent is putting a jaywalker before a firing squad.

我们皇家爱尔兰警察部队的朋友们很希望枪毙我。Our friends in the Royal Irish Constabulary would like to shut me up.

蒂姆写过一篇关于这里夜生活的文章,给新闻检查官枪毙了。Tim wrote a piece about the night life here. The censor killed it dead.

他们马上就把许多台湾青年拖到大街上枪毙。They immediately dragged many Formosan youths into the street and shot them.

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因为把人民饿死,要比挨个枪毙更经济,也更容易。Because it’s easier and cheaper to starve people to death than to shoot them.

你们害怕,如果他们跑掉,你们就会被逮捕,被治罪,被枪毙吗?Were you afraid that if they escaped, you would be arrested, convicted, shot?

虽然他宁愿被枪毙,但法庭并没有满足他的要求。Despite his request that he would rather by shot, the court did not favor him.