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你不能教概论。You can't teach a survey.

第一章阐述唱名法的概论。Chapter I The introduction of solmization.

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第一章“新闻审查概论”。ChapterⅠ"introduction to censorship of press".

概论,教科书,晶体学研究历史。Overview, Textbooks, History of Crystallography.

第一章为刑事书面证言概论。The first section is conspectus of criminal written deposition.

毛泽想概论”课教程教师程。Conspectus is an alternant process between teachers and students.

作出的回答只是一连串空洞的概论而已。His reply to the question was just a string of bland generalities.

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电子认证服务概论。Part two is general analyses on Electronic Authentication Service.

很难对13亿人做出任何概论。It's difficult to make any generalization about 1.3 billion people.

数据库结构设计包括数据库概论结构设计和数据库逻辑结构设计。The database structure contains the conspectus and the logic design.

在此过程中,她引用新术语,新概论,及新词汇。In the process, it has introduced new terminology, concepts, and wording.

然而,如果想要进入到下一个等级的学习,他必须得到B,这也意味着,这次他还是没有通过课程,他必须第三次选修“计算机概论"这门课。He would have to repeat Introduction to Computer Science for a third time.

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流体力学概论,国际学生版,第7版。Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, International Student Version, 7th Edition.

这个概论课程目的是检视记忆,以及它如何影响我们的生活。This survey course is intended to review memory and its impact on our lives.

“佛教概论”这个讲座是艾伦.瓦茨乘海船回国时于船上所录制课程,包括两个讲座。"Introduction to Buddhism" is composed of two seminar sessions recorded aboard Alan Watts's ferryboat home.

在对这个主题进行介绍性的概论后,我将列出十个这样的保守主义原则。After some introductory remarks on this general theme, I will proceed to list ten such conservative principles.

课程包含为研究生所设计的大脑与认知科学的概论和专题。The course includes survey and special topics designed for graduate students in the brain and cognitive sciences.

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例如,在阿富汗美利坚大学,女性将会在那里学到商业管理的概论。At the American University of Afghanistan, for example, women will study the general ideas of business management.

通过对人文生态目标的分析,阐述人文生态建筑的概论和定义。The concept and definition of the arcology are put forward through the investigation of humanistic and ecological objectives.

第一章阐述了土尔扈特蒙古招福仪式概论及招福仪式的具体内容。In the first chapter, the origins of the calling in good luck and the custom of the calling in good luck ceremony are explained.