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血流加速Your blood is racing.

硬件加速。Hardware acceleration.

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那么,是世界真正地加速了吗?Has the world really sped up?

那辆汽车突然加速。The car suddenly accelerated.

加速血液凝固。Acceleration blood coagulation.

我认为销售显然会下滑.在紧急加速之后必然会有些回档.I think clearly sales will drop.

如果你变得焦虑,加速。If you become restless, speed up.

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这辆新汽车加速性能良好。The new car has good accelaration.

加速神经再生。Acceleration of nerve regeneration.

这种转变只会呈加速发展。And the shift is only accelerating.

准确,物体向下加速。Exactly-- this object is goingdown.

它是一台加速性良好的车子。It is a car with good acceleration.

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在你船左舷处的船正在加速。Vessel port of you increasing speed.

我觉得头昏眼花、心跳加速。I feel woozy, and my heart is racing.

这意味着世界正在加速变热!That means the world is warming fast.

队伍加速前进。The contingent quickened its advance.

加速衰老的种种积习。Practices that accelerate ageing lift.

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资产价格和泡沫已经加速。Asset prices and bubbles have momentum.

米克尔指出这种创新正在加速。Meeker noted that this is accelerating.

卡车在离开城镇之后加速。The truck speeded up after it left town.