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在纸张上哭泣。Cry on the page.

纸张背面的宇宙韵文在宇宙大学很受欢迎。Universe University.

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我的风筝由纸张构成。My kite is made of paper.

从那时候起我就很少用纸张了。At the moment I use less paper.

装入纸张,然后合上纸盘。Load paper and close the trays.

普勒是一种纸张加工贴牌生产。Pooler is a paper-processing OEM.

你知道,真正的纸张和邮费。You know, postage and real paper.

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这种纸张手感平滑。This paper is smooth to the touch.

但这不仅仅是关于纸张打印。But this is not about page printing.

安把纸张放进一个红色的箱柜里。Annisputting the paper into a red bin.

请注意这些薄如纸张的白菜切片。Pay attention how thin the slices are.

你会闻到纸张的味道,体会指尖的触感。You get the smell of paper, the touch.

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他用了一个希奇的装置去拾起纸张。He used a strange to pick up the paper.

在纸张中间按一下,然后沿整个边缘按压。Push down the middle and then move out.

钢,铁,玻璃,布和纸张。Steel, iron, glass, cloth and paper can.

我儿子把我桌子上的纸张搞乱了。My son disarranged the papers on my desk.

你可以得到免费的纸张来擦污物。Free paper you can use to clean up spills.

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纸张限于单面使用。Only one side of each sheet shall be used.

长桌子有时候粘贴纸张的时候需要用到。This long table was used for gluing paper.

请用迴纹针把这些纸张别在一起。Please clip these sheets of paper together.