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我凝视着千里之外的远方。I got my thousand-yard stare.

期待你将我带向远方。I'll expect you with me away.

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说着向远方飞走了。Said to the distance flew away.

信程就是您远方的亲戚。Zero is your distant relatives.

圣光来自远方的天空。Glories stream from Heaven afar.

远方出现一个人影。A figure appears in the distance.

梦在远方化成一缕香。Distant dreams rise like incense.

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听到远方有什么声音传来In the distance what do you hear?

潮水退向了远方。The tide receded to the distance.

啊,远方那水的声音!Oh the sound of the water far off!

远方,一声狼嚎响起。Off in the distance, a wolf howled.

我们有客人从远方来。We had visitors who came from afar.

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这声音像远方瀑布喧响。Sound like a distant torrent's fall.

我飞向远方你留在原地。You stay here as well as I fly away.

它给远方的祖国留下了什么?What left it in its homeland distant?

可是它们正游向远方,游得很快。But they are working far out and fast.

喷射机不停高飞进入远方。The jet soared away into the distance.

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道路穿越平原,向远方延伸。Across the plain, the road extends far.

遥祝远方的情人幸福快乐。Wish my love happiness from a distance.

有朋自远方来,不亦乐呼?。Have frend come from far, no happy too ?