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军械师,给他看。Show him, Armourer.

即加州理工军械合同项目。Ordnance Contract to C. I. T.

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军械厂需要至少12工匠。Ordnance factory needs at least 12 craftsmen.

每年三月,军械博览会都会在纽约设置展场。Every March the Armory Show sets up shop in New York.

他的名字已喝了一天党军械警长伊万彼得罗夫斯基。He had been drinking at the name day party of the ordnance sergeant, Ivan Petrovich.

药柱这个词是用于炸约或者甚至用于浇注火药块或晶体块的一个古老的军械术语。The word"grain"is an old ordnance term for explosive powder or even for blocks of cast powders or crystals.

军械工人根据图纸或客户要求的规格,制造枪支和修复并修改枪支。Gunsmiths fabricate guns and repair and modify firearms according to blueprints or customers' specifications.

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宏伟的宫殿、盛气凌人的教堂、珍贵的军械所,光是这些就至少要花上半天的时间才能观光完。With its majestic palace, proud churches, and treasure-filled armory, it takes at least half a day to explore.

任何建有皇家军械厂之城邑,都无不傲然显示著国家的先进军工技术。Any settlement with a Royal Arsenal shows evidence of a ruler that embraces the cutting edge of military technology.

而仅在此之后各国才就袭击小学边上的军械厂是否可以接受的问题达成一致。Only later did nations reach a verdict on whether it was acceptable to target a munitions factory next to a primary school.

运用冗余技术于军械装备的可靠性设计之中,可大大提高装备的可靠性。The reliability of mechanical equipment can be obviously raised when redundant technology is applied to the reliability design.

一些公司预计到2012年的DSA返回Dreiha,格洛克,帝国盔甲,神火,泰瑟和美国军械。Some of the companies who are expected to return to DSA 2012 include Dreiha, Glock, Imperial Armour, SureFire, Taser and US Ordnance.

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他的父亲是一名钟表匠,他的叔叔是一名军械工人,这或许可以解释为什么约翰•亚诺很早就对精密工程和金属制品产生了兴趣。His father was a watchmaker and his uncle a gunsmith, which probably explains his early interest in precision engineering and metalwork.

于是他们联系了利兹皇家军械博物馆的战争专家,由这些专家们穿上4套欧式重甲进行演示。They recruited battle experts from the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds, in the U.K., who got into replicas of four types of European armor.

2011年国际军械展于6月22—23日在莫斯科举行,旨在纪念死去的士兵。The international exhibition Memorial-2011 took place in Moscow on the 22 and 23 of June. It was aimed at memorization of perished soldiers.

MMPV也将被爆炸军械处理队用于压制临时爆炸设备、地雷和其他未爆炸武器。MMPVs will also be used by Explosive Ordnance Disposal teams to neutralize Improvised Explosive Devices, mines and other unexploded ordnance.

根据MMPV合同,到2015年,将生产2500辆工程车,供美国陆军工程和爆炸军械处理队使用。The MMPV contract envisions production of up to 2,500 vehicles for use by U.S. Army Engineers and Explosive Ordnance Disposal teams through 2015.

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基于激光三维扫描仪的军械装备器材非接触式三维信息采集系统,由PC机、激光扫描仪及旋转台装置组成。The ordnance non-contacting 3D data auto-collecting system based on laser 3D scanner is composed of PC, laser scanner and rotating platform device.

以航空军械综合系统的多状态维护过程为研究对象,对其建立了半马尔可夫的数学模型。The process of multiple-state maintenance for the aviation ordnance synthetic system is studied, and a mathematical semi-Markov model is established.

除了从事这些职业,妇女也从事许多不同类型的职业,如做屠夫、铁匠、军械工和家俱修理工。In addition to these occupations, women were found in many different kinds of employment. They were butchers , silversmiths, gunsmiths and upholsterers.