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这回扣是非法的。This kickback is illegal.

他以非法手段弄钱。He got the money illegally.

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他非法贩卖威士忌,又被逮了。He's caught bootlegging again.

是的,该党现在是非法的了。Yes, the party is now illegal.

到你21岁之前是非法的,It's not legal until you're 21,

非法侵入严究不贷。Trespassers will be prosecuted.

诱拐儿童是非法的。It's illegal to abduct children.

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工作不被看作是非法。Their work to be decriminalized.

他的有些工作是非法的。That some of his work was illegal.

安利是一个非法传销。Amway is an illegal pyramid scheme.

马修是非法的外来动物。Marcel is an illegal exotic animal.

难怪我们会有如此多的非法移民。No wonder we have so many illegals.

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侵入他人地界偷猎是非法的。Poaching on other's land is illegal.

他因非法录制录像带被逮捕。He was caught bootlegging videotapes.

他因非法贩卖录像带而被捕。He was caught bootlegging videotapes.

谁是非法枪枝经销商呢?And who are these illegal gun dealers?

另一个问题是非法移民。Another issue was illegal immigration.

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但是贩私酒一直都是非法的。But bootlegging has always been illegal.

他被指控非法贩卖毒品。He was charged with trafficing in drugs.

把非法入境者丢进东京湾!Throw illegal immigrants into Tokyo Bay!