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这样的行动是治标不治本的。Such actions are palliatives.

但这种债券买法治标不治本。But such bond-buying is a temporary palliative.

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但在我看来,这些治标的措施,无法治本。But in my opinion, these stopgap measures, not cure.

这些解决办法治标不治本,没有抓住问题的实质。However, these ways could not deal with the true problem.

但是评论家们认为该项通知“治标不治本”。But critics say the circular only "scratches the surface of a problem".

以制度创新来遏制地方保护主义是治本之举。Therefore, to contain local protectionism system innovation is required.

上周的欧元区峰会要求建立一个欧洲稳定机制.一些经济专家表示,该举措无疑受人欢迎,但有治标不治本之嫌.A euro zone summit last week asked for a European stabilization mechanism.

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金援对于希腊的财政问题来说只是治标不治本。A bailout will not address the fundamental causes of Greece's fiscal problems.

胶纸或许能暂时地解决问题,但是它治标不治本。Scotch tape may solve the problem temporarily, but it cannot take the problem away.

反腐败要标本兼治,规范权力运行机制是反腐败的治本措施。Therefore, power operation must be standardized to eradicate the social corruption.

对于足寒症,这是治本的方法,也可以迅速增强人体的免疫力。This is the basic cure for "Cold Feet Disease" It can also strengthen the body immunity.

治疗上急则治标,以清热解毒、益气养阴、滋液润窍为主,同时配合化痰通窍等治本之剂。In the same time, to treat primary cause, dissipate phlegm and dredge orifices are needed.

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加大治本力度,从源头上预防和治理腐败。We need to intensify our effort to fight corruption and to prevent and eliminate its root causes.

而这正是马歇尔“要治本而不要治标”的本意。This was what Marshall had meant when he talked of "a cure rather than a palliative, " nothing less.

最终,双方均同意新的清洁能源技术是解决气候变化问题的唯一治本之策。Ultimately, both agree new clean energy technology is the only permanent solution to climate change.

在建设工程招投标中实行工程量清单计价和工程实物量清单计价是规范建设市场秩序的治本措施之一。Also it is one of measures to affect a permanent cure in regulating the order of construction market.

病毒疣若用西医的「电疗法」、「冷冻疗法」,脱落后又会再长,缠绵难愈,治标不治本。If the wart is treated by electric therapy or frozen therapy of western medicine, it will grow again.

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煤层注水预湿是采煤工作面防尘的治本措施,添加湿润剂是改善煤层注水效果的重要途径。Prewetting of coal seams by water infusion is an essential measure for dust control at working faces.

相反,美国采用了治标不治本的放松信贷政策——在所有人心中维系了经济改善的幻象。Instead, the US applied the palliative of easy credit – sustaining an illusion of economic betterment for all.

这不能治本,但只要他们坚持每天服用,他们就能维持这种承受力。It's not a permanent cure, but as long as they go on taking a daily dose they should maintain their tolerance.