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改变思维定势。Change the mind-set.

他的思维也十分开阔。He was also broad-minded.

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你们的思维开始运转了吗The cogs are spinning now?

你看,我思维混乱了!See, I'm all discombobulated!

这是人类思维的花朵。This the flower of human mind.

试着在思维上超过我Try to be one step ahead of me.

第二,自上而下的思维方法。Two . Top-Down Thinking skills.

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这是传统的思维定势。That is the conventional wisdom.

怎么改变思维习惯呢?How to change habits of your mind

然而我们能用思维导图做什么?But what can we use mind maps for?

他是一个性格内向,思维缜密的人。He was a quiet and thoughtful man.

他的思维由于疲乏而丧失了活力。His thoughts drooped with fatigue.

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心理学家称此为“趋同思维”。Psychologist call this groupthink.

停止思维像一个机构。Stop thinking like an institution.

谢谢你下载思维导图。Thank you for downloading FreeMind.

如果真的是这样,为什么不先改变你的思维?If so, why not change your mind now?

一个轻松让人寻回积极思维的项目——而且还是免费的?A romp into positive thinking—gratis?

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它们只是遵守意识思维的命令而已。They merely obey the behests of mind.

这是一份了不起的思维导图!This is a great mind map by yourself.

敏捷性体现了思维的速度。Celerity reflects velocity of thought.