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地藏王菩萨啊!Earth Store Bodhisattva!

感恩地藏王菩萨!To Earth Store Bodhisattva!

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南无地藏王菩萨!Namo Earth Store Bodhisattva!

那是普贤菩萨道场。That is Samantabhadra temples.

诸佛菩萨,所有伟大的上师。All buddhas, all great masters.

观音菩萨在不在呢?Is Guanyin Bodhisattva Here or Not?

这是一个观音菩萨的密咒。It's a mantra of compassion buddha.

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阿尔瓦,「明妃」说她是“菩萨”!Alvah, Princess says she's a Bodhisattva.

菩萨总是在意想不到之处出现。Angels come to me in most unexpected ways.

但是文殊菩萨的化身,他们喜欢。But Manjushri's incarnation, they love it.

菩萨加持您平安吉祥。May Buddha Bless You With Safety And Fortune.

总之,我之前是在说文殊菩萨。So anyway, I was talking about the Manjushri.

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诸菩萨众,亦复如是。The assembly of Bodhisattvas is also likewise.

比如,你的妈妈,可能就是一位菩萨。Your mom, for example, could be a bodhisattva.

此诸宝树。皆有菩萨声闻而坐其下。Beneath each tree sat Bodhisattvas and Hearers.

只要牢牢地想着你的上师与观世音菩萨。Just think of your root guru and Avalokiteshvara.

菩萨为了饶益他人而舍弃一切。They forsake everything for the benefit of others.

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为什麽观世音菩萨头顶坐的是阿弥陀佛?Why is Amitabha sitting above Guan Yin Bodhisattva?

愿佛菩萨祝福及护佑你。May Buddhas and Bodhisattvas Bless you and keep you.

矗立着观世音菩萨的塑像。there stands a statue of Kuan Im,the Goddess of Mercy.