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你把餐桌摆好了没有?Did you set the table?

餐桌上还有什么其他的东西?What else was on the table?

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餐桌礼仪并不琐碎。Table manners are not trivial.

杜丽环顾餐桌四周的我们。Terri looked around the table.

收拾餐桌这份工作十分累人。Busing tables was grueling work.

吃饭时应围坐在餐桌旁边。Sit down at a table while eating.

餐桌掠去的钱比贼偷的还要多。The table robs more than a thief.

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克莉丝给餐桌上蜂蜡。Chris beeswaxed the kitchen table.

他把汤泼在了餐桌上。He splashed the soup on the table.

她请客人在餐桌入席。She seated the guest at the table.

那些餐桌上永远空着的椅子。The empty seat atthe dinner table.

在餐桌旁侍人的工作很难受。Waiting tables can be a red grind.

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咖喱粉在餐桌上是多变的。Curry is the chameleon on the table.

免费餐桌和4把椅子。FREE dining room set incl. 4 chairs.

他用手指在餐桌上咚咚地敲打。He drummed his fingers on the table.

在餐桌上打嗝是很不礼貌的。It is impolite to burp at the table.

她在一张小餐桌前坐了下来。She seated herself at a small table.

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餐桌面前的她令我非常吃惊,驻足在我面前的是一位白发苍苍的家庭主妇。The actual sight of her was a shock.

她看着餐桌对面的莫利。She looked across the table at Molly.

他们在餐桌上谈笑风生。They talk and laugh at a dinner table.