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转移溶液至一蒸发皿中。You transfer the solution to an evaporating basin.

蒸发皿已经被烧成红热状态了。The evaporating dish in the lab has already been burned to hot heat.

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我国小型蒸发皿折算系数基本在0.6左右波动,变幅很小。The conversion coefficient is stabilized about 0.6 and the change is small.

埋得深的蒸发皿似乎比埋得浅的蒸发量要大一些,在冬季尤其如此。It appears that deep buried pans allow for more evaporation than shallow ones, especially during winter months.

蒸发皿蒸发量出现减少趋势的原因主要是日照时数的减少,其次是风速减小。The major reason of pan evaporation decrease was the decrease of sunshine duration, and the second was the decrease of wind speed.

探讨了在沙坡头人工植被固定沙地上A级蒸发皿的应用及其影响要素。This paper deals with the application of A-evaporation pan and its affecting factors on sandy land fixed by artificial vegetation.

此外还进行了蒸发皿系数的计算,对影响盆栽桃树的生长的因素进行了分析。Moreover, the Epan coefficient of different treatments were computed and the reasons that affect the poted peach growth were described.

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完全相关系数法分析表明,气温日较差和平均风速的减小与蒸发皿蒸发量的减少具有最显著的相关性,是蒸发皿蒸发量减少的影响因子。And decreases in diurnal temperature range and wind speed were found to be the main influencing factors leading to the decrease of pan evaporation.

采用蒸发皿法、多因素法建立作物需水量模拟方程,方程显著相关。The water demands equations were established by synthesis factor including pan-evaporation and weather parameters, whose correlations were significant.

利用涡旋相关方法和蒸发皿方法分别测量了裸地和玉米田的空气动力学阻抗,分析了空气动力学阻抗的日变化特征,同时对两种测量方法进行了比较。Measurements both from eddy correlation system and evaporation pan are used to derive aerodynamic resistance over bare soil surface as well as maize field.

对蒸发皿蒸发量下降的原因分析表明,日照百分率下降从而导致太阳总辐射的下降可能是近年来蒸发皿蒸发量下降的主要原因。Further analysis shows that the decrease of pan evaporation is closely related to the reduction of the solar irradiance resulting from the sun-shine percentage decrease.