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希腊语正典书目还有马卡比四书。And the Greek canon also accepts 4 Maccabees.

在四书,它对待的内部精神生活,在仿制的耶稣基督。In four books it treats of the interior spiritual life in imitation of Jesus Christ.

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这两种“书”被认为是另一个集合的一部分,被称为四书。Both of these "books" are considered part of another collection known as the Four Books.

四书和五经的权威书籍,儒家思想在我国公元前300年前写。The Four Books and Five Classics are the authoritative books of Confucianism in China written before 300 BC.

第一部分介绍了杨简所处的时代背景和他的生平经历,并介绍了四书的成书过程。The first part introduces the time background of Yang Jian and all his life, and the forming process of Si-Shu.

尽管这一政策在执行过程中有所反复,四书学的内容却逐渐得以凸显。Although this policy oscillated during the implementation process, the content of Si-Shu was obvious day by day.

在心学史方面,他对四书的解释进一步完善了心学思想体系,并有利于心学思想的传播。For the Xin-Xue history, his explanations perfected the Xin-Xue thought system futher, and were in favor of the spread of Xin-Xue thought.

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学习者要有个良好的开端,求学初期要打好基础,循序渐进,才可以读“四书”。A learner should have a good beginning. Only on a good foundation in primary school can a learner proceed to the classics, i. e. the Four Books.

“四书”必修课教育如果成功,兴许以后能增开新的内容,将诸子百家都加上。"Four Books" compulsory education, if successful, perhaps it will be brought in additional new content, will have to add hundreds of various schools.

他大胆否定四书中不符合其心学思想的主张,并做出一种全新的解释,把其纳入自己的心学思想体系。Yang negated the opinions which were not accord with his Xin-Xue thought in Si-Shu. He made new explanations and put them in his own Xin-Xue thought system.

福音据马太,马克,路加,约翰,第一,四书的新约圣经的圣经,是主要经济来源为耶稣的生命。The Gospels According to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, the first four books of the New Testament of the Bible, are the principal sources for the life of Jesus.

八股文是明代影响广泛的一种文体,它要求内容源于“四书”,能够“代圣贤立言”。Eight-part essay, a kind of widespread literary style in Ming Dynasty, prescribes its contents according to the Four Books and can be functioned as the saints' ideas.

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总之,杨简对四书的阐释充分体现了他敢于怀疑、勇于创新的精神,由此形成了一种心学视域下的四书学思想体系。In a word, Yang Jian's elucidations of Si-Shu made clear that he was dare to disbelieve and brave in innovate, and formed a Si-Shu-Xue thought system in view of Xin-Xue.

在四书学史方面,他的论述丰富了四书学思想的内涵,体现了以己意解四书的特点。For the Si-Shu-Xue history, his dissertations enriched the connotations of Si-Shu-Xue thought, and embodied the peculiarities of explaining Si-Shu according to one's own viewpoints.

由于这样的文化背景,我们很容易理解为什么在大学引用四书会导致关于过去与现在更为激烈的公共热点。With this background knowledge, we can easily understand why the adoption of the Four Books in some universities results in ongoing public controversy in an opener society in comparison with the past.