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广发证券对此拒绝评论。Guangfa declines comment.

证券市场活跃起来。The stock market brisked up.

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你们听说过证券投资者保护公司吗have you ever heard of SIPC?

你谈你的股票证券投资。You talked about your portfolio.

证券投资者保护公司依国会法案设立SIPC was set up by an act of Congress.

证券借贷方如何赚钱?How does a Securities Lender make money?

证券投资组合分析部分。Theory of securities portfolio analysis.

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安信证券让投资者安心放心开心!EMC stock investors happy hearts at ease!

他把一些证券兑换成现金付账。He paid the pill by cashing in some bonds.

这也是真正的抵押证券。This was also true of mortgage securities.

最后一个收益来源,证券选择Final source of returns--security selection.

但安大略省证券委员会拒绝提供进一步细节。The OSC declined to provide further details.

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保险是从证券衍变而来的Insurance evolves separately from securities.

今天早盘证券指数以绿盘开出。The SH index opens with a green listing today.

谁能评估这些投资级别的证券?Who can rate these investment grade securities?

另一些公司,如德崇证券被清算破产。Others, such as Drexel Burnham, were liquidated.

证券行情下挫引起投资者恐慌。The decline in the stock market scared investors.

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金钱、无记名证券不得请求回复。The money and bearer papers can"t be restituted."

如果没有B类证券买家,CMBS交易就无法进行。Without B-piece buyers, CMBS deals can't be sold.

阁下是否永联证券投资有限公司的雇员?Are you an employee of Winland Securities Limited?