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师者,传道,授业,解惑也。Teacher, preach, teach, dispel doubt also.

教师语言是用来“传道、授业、解惑”并用来传情达意的。The teachers language is a kind of professional language.

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史密斯说,且不管论文给他的授业教授的印象如何,他知道自己的主张是寓意深远的。Regardless of the impression it made on his professor, Smith said that he knew the idea was profound.

同年,德国学校开始授业,山东铁路公司也开始投入运行。German school was assembled within the year and the Schantung Railway Company started their operation.

中国传统的教学观念师“师者,传道、授业解惑也”。The Chinese tradition's teaching idea teacher "the teacher, proselytizes, instructs dispels doubt also".

小学语文教师的传统角色定位,主要是“传道、授业、解惑”。The traditional role of primary school teachers is concentrate on teaching and explaining the puzzle. II.

语言,是教师给学生传道、授业、解惑的重要媒体。The language, is the teacher the important media which proselytizes to the student, instructs, dispels doubt.

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传道、授业、解惑自古以来就是我们教师光荣的历史使命。Proselytizes , instructs, dispels doubt is our teacher's honorable historical mission since the ancient times.

其一是网络教育的增长,这种方式,可以让任何地方的学生通过访问其他地方最佳授业者的方式获取知识。One is the growth of online education, where students anywhere now can gain access to the best professors from everywhere.

在传统教育中,教师是以“传道、授业、解惑”的“教”的身份出现。In the traditional education, a teacher's role is to teach, that is to transmit wisdom, impart knowledge and resolve doubts.

记得早些时候曾当我们谈到土星,以及他如何讲授业,原因和影响我们,“严厉的爱”式的生活经验。Remember earlier when we talked about Saturn and how he teaches us about karma, cause and effect, and "tough love" style life lessons.

我们对这个国家的老师和教授怀有期望,你们身上背负的不仅是授业的任务,更需要激励我们的孩子去学习与探索。We look to our teachers and professors, we count on you not just to teach, but to inspire our children with a passion for learning and discovery.

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教书育人是教师的神圣天职,“师者,所以传道,授业,解惑也。”Imparts knowledge and educates people are teacher's sacred inherent responsibilities, "teacher, therefore proselytizes, instructs, dispels doubt."

教师的作用是传道、授业、解惑,传布文明之火,有了良师方可育得桃李芬芳。The functions of teacher are preaching, imparting knowledge, answering doubts, in other words the teacher is the mediator between civilization and people.

许多大学会邀请受人爱戴的教授们来讲授他们的“最后一课”——对自己求知与授业生涯的总结。Many colleges ask beloved professors to give their version of a "last lecture"-what they'd say if they were summing up a lifetime of learning and teaching.

因此,引导、培养、提高高职学生理性看世界的能力就成了任课教师“传道、授业、解惑”不可或缺的教学环节和职责。Therefore, guiding, training and enhancing their rationality to cognize the world becomes the necessary teaching link and duty of teachers' transmitting wisdom.

教师的职业劳动不仅仅是“传道、授业、解惑”,而且具有“以人格来培养人格,以灵魂来塑造灵魂”的特点。Thee teacher's occupation work is not only "preaching, etc. , but also has doubts", "personality to cultivate personality characteristics, shaping the soul with the soul".

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由于州立学校要求不严,学校缺少道德指引,再加上对校园枪击案的担心,越来越多的父母亲自为子女授业解惑。Spurred on by poor standards in state schools, a lack of moral direction in the classroom and the fear of murderous playground shootings, more parents are teaching their children.

语言是人类交际的重要工具,作为课堂教学,主要是运用语言的形式向学生传道、授业、解惑。The language is the human human relations important tool, takes the classroom instruction, is mainly proselytizes using the language form to the student, instructs, dispels doubt.

包括我本人的授业恩师在内,那个时代所有的伟大设计师都加入了这次竞标,而当时我只是英国建筑联盟学院的一名年轻教师,第一次中国之旅的如画风景依然充盈脑海。All the great architects of thattime, including my own teachers, entered this competition. I was a youngteacher at the Architectural Association School of Architecture at the time.