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我想明天还得有多少人要送命啊。I wonder how many men will die tomorrow.

车祸能让莉莉和詹姆送命?A car crash killed Lily and James Potter?

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为了一块松蛋糕你打算让我们送命么?。You're gonna risk our lives for a Twinkie?

枪战能手懂得一次失败的射击会让他送命。The gunfighter knows a poor shot can get him killed.

那样,至少可怜的山羊就算没有白白送命了。Well, at least that poor goat won't have died in vain.

他们所有人都求我别生下这个孩子,说我会因此送命。They all told me that I would die. They begged me not to have a baby.

这些伤痕都是一次差点让他送命的煤矿爆炸留下的纪念。The injuries are the remnants of a mine explosion that nearly killed him.

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我在想的是为了避免别人送命,我得将卡车开向路堤。I figured instead of killing other people, I'd just put the truck in the ditch.

我在想的是为了避免别人送命,我得将卡车开向路堤。I figured instead of killing other people, I’d just put the truck in the ditch.

图坦卡蒙的骨病固然严重,但还没到让他送命的地步。Tutankhamun's bone disease was crippling, but on its own would not have been fatal.

看来这人失去了一个亲人,这会送命的。He is a man who, to all appearances, has lost some person who is dear to him. People die of that.

证人担心自己会送命,说他与黑帮的残忍头目关系很近。The witness, who expressed fear for his life, said that he was close to the gang’s ruthless leader.

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去年,一位德国游客在卡卡都国家公园被鳄鱼袭击而送命。A German tourist died in Kakadu national park last year after being attacked by a saltwater crocodile.

有人说蒙迪扎巴尔害怕会送命,有人说穆萨家曾被破门而入。There was chatter that Mendizábal feared for his life, and that the Musas' house had been broken into.

比如说在事故中幸存,差点送命,但结果毫发无伤。They might be,for example,in an accident, and come close to being killed,but walk away without a scratch.

他说,“美国军队在伊拉克将继续打仗,他们在伊拉克还会有人送命。”"American troops are going to continue to fight in Iraq, " he said. "They're going to continue to die in Iraq."

如果,我们拿着一端插着小蜻蜓的草在手上,而不去摇晃它,那么,大蜻蜓就能看清楚,这其实是一个陷阱,它也就不会如此白白地送命了。If we held the grass still, the big dragonfly saw the obvious trap and it wouldn't dash to it regardless of its safety.

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如果说真的有人过早送命,那完全是因为他们在晚上六点结束工作,却要在外流连到凌晨两点才归家。They die sometimes, but it is because they quit work at six in the evening, and do not go home until two in the morning.

街垒分明成了再次射击的目标,到那上面去,干脆就是送命。To mount on the barricade at the very moment when, without any doubt, it was again the object of their aim, was simply death.

下方宽阔的大理石广场里,就像史塔克送命那天一样挤满了人群,太后向四处望去,都只看到一片眼睛。The wide marble plaza below was as crowded as it had been on the day that Stark had died. Everywhere she looked the queen saw eyes.