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祂的挚爱常在幽秘中显明表征In secret of His deeper love is shown

神是如何显明他对我们的爱呢?How does God demonstrate his love for us?

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祂会将受于我的告诉你们,并且会显明给你们看。He’ll take of mine, and manifest it to you.

求神向你显明那个人的能力。Ask God to show you that person's strengths.

天父如何向我们显明他的圣爱?How does our Abba Father show His love to us ?

他无时无刻,无处不在地显明自身。He showeth Himself at all times and in all places.

你如果行这事,就当将自己显明给世人看。If thou do these things, shew thyself to the world.

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我们相信主耶稣,神的义就向我们显明出来。It is manifested to us when we believe in the Lord Jesus.

自然主题在W·S·默温的诗歌中非常显明。Natural themes are very obvious in W ·S · Merwin's poetry.

在火窰中,神显明祂解救信徒脱离烈火。In the furnace God shows that he saves believers from fire.

摩西在西乃山上时,上帝定意显明祂的面。When Moses was at Mount Sinai God chose to reveal his face.

基督降世不单是为我们受死,更是要将父神显明出来。Christ came not only to die for us but to reveal the Father.

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我要使他足享长寿,将我的救恩显明给他。With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.

接著,神用震撼人心的景象,来显明?的能力、荣耀和温柔。Next came a powerful vision of God's power, His glory and tenderness.

洛杉矶警方宣称所有这一切资料都显明完全是清白无辜的。The LAPD report that they have all turned out to be totally innocent.

分享“你从世上赐给我的人,我已将你的名显明与他们。Share “I showed what You are like to those You gave Me from the world.

他们也认为圣经的旧新约也显明了这一点。They would also say the Bible shows this in the Old and New Testaments.

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而且也愿我们向全世界显明,唯有在神那里才可以寻到最终的真理。And may we show the world that ultimate truth can be found in God alone.

他明确祈求神显明梦的内容和梦的含意。He asked specifically that God might reveal both the dream and its meaning.

到塔身建到第三层时,可显明看出倾斜,曾一度停工。To the tower built to the third level, it is clear that tilt, once lay-off.