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冰块水族缸。Ice aquaria.

高科技水族缸。Hi-tech aquaria.

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镶嵌式和长管式水族缸。Mosaic and long tube aquaria.

家具及便携式水族缸。Furniture and portable aquaria.

为养鱼爱好者设计的水族缸。For the design of tanks and fish lovers.

越美水族,让您心满意足!Yuemei aquarium make satisfaction to you!

水族,血肉,和羽禽整个夏天。Fish, flesh, or fowl, commend all summer long.

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对不起太平洋水族,您就处罚我一个人吧。And the Pacific aquatics, I beg you punish one person, me.

彩兔是最美的水族鱼类之一。Dwarf gouramis are among the most beautiful aquarium fish.

它从一些带有粘性的水珠中来,而这些水族你可以在蛇麻草中找到。It comes in small sticky beads, which you find within the hops.

伯纳德和我相互靠拢,首先是因为我们俩都热爱水族生物。Bernhard and I were first drawn together by both being aquarists.

图中所示的是水族馆内长达100英尺的海底通道。Shown in the figure is 100 feet long aquarium submarine channels.

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因此我们就产生了利用废旧电话亭来制作水族缸的想法。So we had a telephone booth used to produce tanks and scrap the idea.

水书是水族古文字、水族书籍汉译的通称,具有惟一性、丰富性、古老性。Shuishu is a general name for Shui Minoritys ancient characters and books.

这里的水族儿女人人有副好嗓子,常常放声歌唱。Aquarium here , Deputy good voice for all children, and often burst into song.

这种水族缸由冰块构成,观赏鱼被冷冻在了里面。This aquarium tank from the ice structure, ornamental fish frozen in the inside.

照片里所有的展示水族缸和沼泽缸都是薛海造的景。All the display aquariums and paludariums in this picture were scaped by Xue Hai.

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这些水族缸实际上并没有新颖之处,但是它们却是被设计在各种地方。These tanks and did not actually novelty, but they are designed in various places.

找到德根,你所需要的水族光源产品都能为你解决,全不费心。With Degen, you can find all your need for aquarium lighting, and no worry at all.

蒸汽朋克风格,水族类,或者是有上千年历史的废铜烂铁。Or make it steam-punk, or aquatic, or turn it into a thousand-year-old rusted wreck.