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阮元是清代重臣,也是一位著名的图书编撰家。Ruan Yuan was an important minister and a famous author of Jin Dynasty.

全公主乃吴主孙权的长公主,重臣全琮之妻。Princess Quan was the eldest girl of Emperor Sun Quan of Wu Kingdom and the wife of Quan Cong.

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法国政治家,是亨利四世的重臣,他使国库充足,并鼓励农业和工业。French politician. As chief minister to Henry IV, he replenished the treasury and encouraged agriculture and industry.

在这样的背景中,锡良身为疆吏重臣,对推动教育向新阶段的迈进发挥了不可替代的作用。In that circumstance, as minister of state, His-Liang played an irreplaceable role in advancing education to a new stage.

而三位重臣在重组前宣布辞职,其中包括呼吁布朗下台的詹姆斯。珀内尔。Three senior ministers left the government before the reshuffle, including James Purnell who called on Mr. Brown to resign.

来自光照派的行动在不断减少,这是由于他们的重臣们不断脱离他们而走向善这边。The activities of the Illuminati are decreasing as more and more of their minions move away from that path towards the good.

清末重臣曾国藩的家训思想对当今家庭教育颇具借鉴价值。Zeng Guofan, an important senior official in the late Qing Dynasty, gave his family instructions in family letters rather than a book.

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作为晚清重臣曾国藩的长子,他自幼便受到家父的严格教育。As the eldest son of Zeng Guofan, the main minister in the late Qing dynasty, Zeng Jize was given a strict education when he was young.

在权力制约的对象上,他提出以近臣、重臣、朋党为权力防范的重点。He advocates the main targets of the power restrain are the political cliques and the ministers with authority or working by side of the monarch.

第18集狄公决定冒险采取欲擒故纵之法,在得到武则天和朝廷重臣的认同之后,同意了玲珑的请求。Article 18 sets Digong risks that playing hard to decide the law, to be an important official recognition of Empress Wu and the court and agreed that the exquisite request.

铁券是古代帝王赏赐给勋臣或重臣的一种带有盟约性质的信物。The iron credential, which the emperors award to their official's records or in important position, is a kind of authenticating object with the feature of oath of alliance.

在明初书坛上,解缙是一个特殊的人物,他既是永乐朝的内阁重臣,又是享誉朝野的著名书家。In the literature community of Ming Dynasty, Xiejin was a special figure who on one hand was a officer of high position, on the other hand was a famous talented calligrapher.

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杨延和历成化、弘治、正德、嘉靖四朝,并在明武宗正德年间与明世宗嘉靖初年出任内阁首辅,是嘉靖初年的元老重臣。Yang Tinghe held a post during Cheng Hua, Hong Zhi, Zheng De, Jia Jing, the four reigns of the Ming Dynasty. He was cabinet prime minister during Zheng De and the early period of Jia Jing.

身为晚清重臣的曾国藩,早在一百多年以前就在其家书中提到了晚餐的饮食原则,值得今人学习和借鉴。As a high official in the late Qing Dynasty, Zeng Guo-fan as early as back to 100 years ago mentioned in his family rules evening dieting principles, which are worth studying and referring.

汲黯作为西汉重臣,尽管未留著作于后世,但从他的“行”进行史料考察和分析,可以发现他的“无为而治”、“重民”、“社稷为重”等法律思想,具有重要的价值。However, we can find many of his legal thoughts through investigation and analysis of his action, such as letting nature take its own course, attaching importance to the people and country first.

作为清朝中晚期的社稷重臣,林则徐在历史上主要以政治家、民族英雄而闻名于世,然其书法艺术成就亦相当可观。He, who holds a great deal of knowledge, was proficient in poetry and letters. As a vital official in mid-late Qing Dynasty, Lin Zexu was famous for his role as an politician and an national hero.