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竹笋,炖鸡肾。Bamboo sprouts, stewed chicken kidneys.

萨利姆拿出他的枪和竹笋贾韦德。Salim pulls out his gun and shoots Javed.

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如果你要吃竹笋,小心!If you decide to eat bamboo shoots, be careful!

六个月后,希望开始吃竹笋和竹叶。Xi Wang started to eat bamboo shoots and leaves.

春雨过后,竹笋都冒了出来。The bamboo shoots are pushing through after the spring rain.

他们就著果子冻、烤土豆和竹笋吃著羊肉。They both had mutton with jelly, roast potatoes and asparagus.

“竹笋多么好吃啊!”这位英国太太说。"How delicious the bamboo shoots are! " said the British lady.

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花生、竹笋、萝卜、鲜藕、柑橘。Peanut, bamboo shoots, radish, fresh lotus root, citrus fruits.

鲜嫩的竹笋很可口,人们很爱吃。The tender young shoots of bamboo are tasty. People like to eat them.

每一年这耶时阵是呷竹笋尚好耶时机。Now is the best time of the year to eat freshly harvested bamboo shoots.

春天像制陶学校竹笋一场春雨过后。Pottery-making schools spring up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain.

章鱼,鱼翅,鸡翅,鸡腿,芦笋,竹笋,花生。Octopus, shark's fin, Wings, Coprinus , asparagus, bamboo shoots, peanuts.

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忌食葱、蒜、鱼、虾、羊肉、竹笋、咸菜、辣椒、酒类。Jishi onions, garlic, fish, shrimp, mutton, asparagus, pickles, peppers, wine.

为何糖尿病患者宜食竹笋,竹笋性微寒、味甘。Why diabetic suitable food bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots micro cold, taste Gansu.

竹笋姑娘的娇美,恰恰是被“敲竹杠”的缘由。A sweet and pretty bamboo shoots girl , the bamboo is exactly knocked for itself.

前者是用剁烂的虾酱,碎虾肉和碎竹笋制作。The first is made with pounded shrimp paste, chopped shrimps and shredded bamboo shoots.

请把上次合同中订的那种质量的竹笋向咱们报个价。Please do an offer to the bamboo shoots of the quality as these in the continue contract.

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樱花虾绿竹笋青都炊饭搭配煎红虾及白芦笋。Sakura shrimp, green bamboo shoots, green peas, rice, seared red shrimp, white asparagus.

那些翠绿的竹林记着查利云第一次跟哥哥去挖竹笋。The lush bamboo groves remember the first time she went digging bamboo shoots with her brother.

你也许听说过竹笋,但在这儿你会看到竹制白酒、竹茶、竹制啤酒以及竹制食醋。You've probably heard of bambooshoots, but there are also bamboo wines, tea, beer, and vinegar.