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当他们让我在后面的一张小桌旁落座时,我觉得受到了莫大的侮辱。I felt most insulted when they made me sit at a little table at the back.

即便已年届36岁,舒马赫尚不准备让其王冠旁落。Even at the age of 36, Schumacher is not ready to allow his crown to slip.

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这个缺陷让受害人只要浏览一下有问题的图像文件,电脑控制权就会旁落他人。The flaw could be used to take control of a victim's PC by viewing a graphic.

与此同时,公司们也正投身于“新兴市场”而旁落了发达国家。Companies, meanwhile, are investing in "emerging markets" and sidelining the developed world.

在教学管理中,学生主体话语权旁落而淡出教学管理之外。In teaching management, students subject words fall but fade out teaching outside the teaching management.

党对公安工作的绝对领导是公安事业的政治基础,绝不能大权旁落。It's the political base for the police course to be led by the Party, we should never lose our power to others.

目前像出口最大国这样的对德国而言十分容易得到头衔已经旁落到特别是美国这样的国家。Right now that title is very much up for grabs as exports have been slipping especially those to the United States.

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这种现象是特定时期的产物,容易扭曲情境教学的基本理论,导致言语训练目标旁落。It causes that the aim of Chinese ability isn't taken seriously, and the Situational-teaching theory is misrepresented.

上个赛季他们已经错失了总冠军了,我看不出有任何理由他们会让今年的总冠军旁落他家。Last season they have missed the championship, I do not see any reason that they will allow this year's championship sideway his home.

她没有因一次次机会旁落而变得冷漠或愤怒,而是继续尽自己最大努力做好工作,最终她成为银行的副总裁。Rather than grow hard or angry each time she got passed over, she kept doing her job as best as she knew how, and ultimately ended up being vice president at the bank.

对于切尔西足球俱乐部来说,这无疑是令人非常失望的一周——紧接着又一年冠军联赛的梦碎,本赛季的英超冠军也旁落他人之手。It has been a hugely disappointing week for Chelsea Football Club with the realisation that the Premiership title is now lost, on top of the Champions League dream dying for another year.

在“游轮、度假村和酒店”这一类里,唯有水晶号在该奖设立之始便连年雄踞榜首,从未将其旁落他人之手。While there are several new winners in the various travel categories, Crystal Cruises is the only cruise line, resort or hotel to have won the prestigious award each year since the awards' inception.