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商业使一国富足。Commerce enriches a nation.

他幻想过一种富足的生活。He stargazed about a rich life.

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现在我将真事指示你,波斯还有三王兴起,第四王必富足远胜诸王。And now will I shew thee the truth.

宁自由而贫困,毋奴于人而富足!Lean liberty is better than fat slavery!

你永远不可能是富足的,聪明的或者美丽的。You can never be as rich, smart or pretty.

相反,你也可以养成一种富足的人生态度。Instead, you can develop a vision of abundance.

然而,富足是一个功用性质的定义。Flourishing, however, is a functional definition.

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为著神的国向神成为富足。To become rich toward God for the kingdom of God.

追求富足和自我满足真的冲突?Do abundance and sufficiency really have to clash?

这个兵站有富足的食品供应。The military depot has a plentiful supply of food.

研究一类IC-超富足半群。A class of IC- superabundant semigroups was studied.

富足时须慷慨,逆境中要感恩。Be generous in prosperity and thankful in adversity.

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要处于你已经拥有的事物的富足状态。Be in a state of abundance of what you already have.

我认为自然界并非无限富足。I do not believe that Nature is limitlessly bountiful.

我很富足,即使没有万贯家财,也拥有灿烂的阳光和夏日。I was rich if not in money in sunny hours and summer days.

数念生命中的恩赐,相信富足无处不有To count the blessing in life, believing abundance abounds

承认你人生中已经拥有的,是所有富足的基础。——艾克哈特托勒。Admit that you have in life, is the basis of all prosperity.

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而且,信息富足容易助长抄袭之风。Furthermore, rich of information easily abets vogue of copy.

数念生命中的恩赐,相信富足是无处不有。To count the blessings in life, believing abundance abounds.

家境的富足让关宝英在生活中没有太多烦恼。Kwan let off plenty of Baoying in life do not worry too much.