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群众是通情达理的。The masses are reasonable.

群众的眼睛是雪亮的。The masses have sharp eyes.

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他的演说激动了群众。His speech flamed the crowd.

群众慢慢地散掉。The crowd slowly melted away.

群众很快动员起来了。The masses mobilized quickly.

他们想要加入到群众中来。They want to join the masses.

他经常深入群众。He often went among the masses.

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精灵和人类的群众啊!O ye assembly of Jinns and men!

这些工作实际是“依靠群众”在进行。This is all done by the masses.

群众为获胜者喝彩。The crowd acclaimed the winners.

群众对演说者起哄。The crowd hooted at the speaker.

他被愤怒的群众围殴。He was mauled by the angry crowd.

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群众的智慧也不过如此。So much for the wisdom of crowds.

群众很兴奋,嘁嘁喳喳交头接耳。The crowd buzzed with excitement.

一定要坚持走群众路线。The mass line must be adhered to.

在他们眼中,这都是出于群众情绪。To them it was mass emotionalism.

要相信群众。We must have faith in the masses.

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他是针对群众说的。He addressed himself to the crowd.

看,喇嘛们正在杀害群众。Look, Lamas are killing commoners.

群众把演讲者轰下来。The crowd hooted the speaker down.