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用信心等候。Wait in faith.

我有信心。I have confidence.

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这信心能救你吗?Can faith save you?

在神身上有信心。Have confidence in God.

信心可移山。Faith will move mountain.

所以要有信心。So just take it on faith.

抑或是一场信心危机?Or a crisis of confidence?

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信心可移山。Faith will move a mountain.

她树立了我的信心。She built up my confidence.

他们对我有信心。They have confidence in me.

你会变得更加有信心。You will be more confident.

得对自己有信心。Have confidence in yourself.

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他丧失了信心。He was robbed of confidence.

现在我感觉自己信心爆棚。I'm feeling really confident.

利伯加是一位有信心的女子。Rebekah was a woman of faith.

试炼是信心的粮食。Trials are the food of faith.

第一,进一步坚定信心。Further strengthen confidence.

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我若操练凭信心把钱财给出去。If I practice giving in faith.

请代问那些因有信心爱我们的人安。Greet our friends in the faith.

这种放在一边就是信心。This putting aside is SHRADDHA.