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当放置于掮客视窗后,贩卖容器将可以放置于家中作为傢俱。Once placed in the broker window, vendor containers can be placed in your home.

威洛克斯指出,违法的信息掮客甚至可以出售一整套完整的身分信息。Criminal information brokers even package up complete identities for sale, according to Willox.

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本地的中间人因为做掮客和向商人放贷积聚了大量财富。Local middlemen amassed huge fortunes by acting as brokers and by offering credit to the traders.

此外,麻生太郎在普通自民党人中比在该党的政治掮客中更受欢迎。In addition, Aso is more popular with rank-and-file LDP members than with the party's power brokers.

这位43岁,只知其称呼为郑先生的人,通过一个老巢在黑龙江省的掮客找到了他们。The 43-year-old, identified only as Mr Chung, had found them through a broker based in Heilongjiang province.

浪潮席卷至维也纳——哈普斯堡帝国的首都,迫使伟大的权利掮客梅特涅退位。The wave hit Vienna, the capital of the Habsburg Empire, forcing the great power broker Metternich to resign.

但是美林所做的一切只是将新系统投放到掮客队伍中,这样他们可以更好地处理现有的客户。But all Merrill did was give the new system to its army of brokers so they could handle existing clients better.

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新移民们在上海找到了安全感,有人经商或者当个掮客,有人做苦力或者成为流氓。The new arrivals found protection in Shanghai and set to work as merchants and middlemen, coolies and gangsters.

在奖金季节到来之时,华盛顿一位主要的政治掮客可能在今日发动一轮政治风波。A taste of the political furore likely to accompany the bonus season comes today from a key Washing ton powerbroker.

时常有土地掮客跑来打他的主意,劝他把土地卖了,可以好好安享晚年。Some land brokers were even attracted by his land and tried to persuade him to sell the land for a better-off old age.

一个阿马尼人充当掮客,把敌对部落的俘虏卖给帝国当奴隶,这种肮脏的交易一开先河,便一发不可收拾。An Amanin brokered the sale of captive rivals to the Imperials as slave, opening up the Amanin to that despicable trade.

结果,走投无路的小商人只好通过掮客出钱购买许可证,或者通过走私从关内进货。As a result, desperate small traders were buying permits through brokers or trying to smuggle goods through the Great Wall.

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据咱们了解,SEC经常因其它的信息披露不韪而对掮客商采取行动。Based on our understanding, the SEC has frequently brought actions against broker dealers for other alleged disclosure lapses.

那些因为新货币政策而被罚没财产的朝鲜掮客门已经被强迫关闭了生意。North Korean middlemen,whose savings were confiscated during the redenomination of the currency, have been forced out of business.

贾利勒自称是一个致力于国家利益的诚实掮客,一个具备土耳其领导风范的普通伊斯兰教徒。Mr. Jalil portrays himself as an honest broker interested in the good of the nation and a moderate Islamist in the mold of Turkish leaders.

对于掮客们来说,最不可缺少的个人条件是外交技巧和平衡多种不同利益的能力。For the brokers, the most indispensable personal qualities were rather diplomatic skills and the ability to balance several different interests.

如果你是个掮客或者皮条客,你在乎的只是钱,你当然不会关心那些女性或年轻女孩的幸福。If you are a trafficker or pimp all you are interested in is money, you are certainly not interested in the welfare of the women or young girls.

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仲介商付给掮客佣金帮忙寻找欲到沙国工作的家庭帮佣,高额的佣金让问题更加错综复杂。The problem is compounded by huge commissions that recruiters receive from labor agencies that find domestic workers willing to go to Saudi Arabia.

身分资本家乃掌握土地控制权的农村干部,作为跨国资本进入中国的掮客,而收取经济租金。The former, composed of rural cadres, control land rights and are thereby able to collect economic rents from foreign capital in exchange of their patronage.

先例——这是SEC初次对从事发卖次优抵押贷款投资的掮客商齿及敲诈诉讼。Precedents — This is the first time the SEC has brought a complaint alleging fraud on the part of a broker dealer in marketing investments on subprime mortgages.