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很多出租汽车在市区内缓缓行驶以招揽生意。Many taxis were cruising in the downtown area.

我们登广告宣传自己的服务项目来招揽生意。We advertised our services to make more bussiness.

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一个良好耕耘的应用程序商店,实际上是招揽顾客的源泉。A well-cultivated app store is actually a customer draw.

理发师在胡同中敲着唤头招揽生意。The barber was tinkling the metal to canvass for business.

此后,原告方开始对外招揽广告客户。Plaintiff thereafter began to recruit advertisement clients.

生产厂家正提供很大的折扣来招揽生意。Manufacturers are offering big discounts to drum up business.

它那举着的小爪子意来为店家招揽客人和钱财。It’s raised paw is said to beckon customers and money into shops.

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卢克奥特山市场的一名摊主在招揽顾客。Talley Moore tries to drum up business in Lookout Mountain, Tenn.

不久,他受NBA招揽,成为芝加哥公牛队的后卫。He was soon drafted into the NBA as a guard for the Chicago Bulls.

为了招揽生意这家百货商场进行打折活动。The department sore is offering big discounts to drum up business.

新闻记者不得借采访名义招揽广告。Journalists may not solicit advertisements in the name of news coverage.

虽然没有聒噪的音响招揽生意,但是里面真的是人头攒动。Although no buzzing sound solicit business, but there really is thronged.

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巴尔沙树通过一种简单的时机选择将顾客们招揽来。Ochroma manages to attract its clientele through a simple trick of timing.

这种招揽人才的手段可以使你的公司形象变得更好。The very process of shooting for these people will make your pitch better.

新政策的目的在于招揽客户、分流储蓄网点柜台压力。The strategy aims to attract new customers and ease pressure at the counter.

最近,黑升麻没有作为丰胸草药用来招揽顾客,但是如果你正在体验绝经的苦恼,不妨试试莉芙敏,或许会有帮助。But if you're experiencing menopausal complaints, try Remifemin. It might help.

此处的措辞可能会招揽访问者在搜索结果页面中单击该项。These words can attract visitors to click on this entry in the search results page.

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为什么一些社交站点取得了巨大的成功,而另外一些则招揽不到用户呢?Why some social sites have great success while others fail to reach out to the users?

中国摊位上,几位汉语班学生操着还不太流利的中文招揽顾客,介绍食品。Some local students worked as volunteers in introducing and selling food at the stall.

弗莱恩在法克尔克开始自己的职业生涯,最终2005年被招揽到英超联赛。Flynn began his career with Falkirk before being lured to the Premier League side in 2005.