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斯莱编钟是噪声流行描述。Sleigh Bells is described as noise-pop.

哭泣的编钟流行,优雅。The rows of weeping BianZhong stream, graceful.

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该方案提供了每小时和四分之一每小时编钟。The program provides hourly and quarter-hourly chimes.

经典,清洁内衬木质时钟编钟上半小时。Classic, clean -lined wood clock chimes on the half hour.

它是一个真正的电脑游戏,与所有的编钟和口哨。It is a true computer game with all the bells and whistles.

远远看去,可以见到高出地面的编钟和排鼓的艺术雕塑。Two sculptures of bells and drums can be seen from distance.

至于第三个,一套编钟将提供风中的音乐。For the third, a set of chimes would provide music in the wind.

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贝尔系统MF音调体系的一个编钟成为CCITT标准。Variations of the Bell System MF tone scheme became a CCITT standard.

编钟研究由来已久,从先秦时期绵延至今。The research of chime-bells have a long time, far from pre-Qin period.

它还认为,编钟可以帮助打破了在家里坏的能量。It is also believed that chimes can help break up bad energy in the home.

古代用于宫廷雅乐,每逢征战、宴享、朝聘和祭祀都要演奏编钟。Ancient Music for Gagaku during warsfeast, worship and Circumstance should play bells.

古编钟乐中,兵马俑装扮的武士跳起孔武有力的舞蹈。Knights dressed like the Terre-Cotta Warriors play heroic dances accompanied with the ancient carillon.

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这一正鼓音列设置的改变,使编钟的旋律性能进一步加强。This alteration of tonic train installation causes the set of bells melody performances strengthen further.

简述了面向编钟乐舞的虚拟角色的动作库制作过程。It is simply introduced the course of the motion database on a virtual model for the Bianzhong choreography.

基地组织编钟到本拉登的身体争议,并告诉其支持者,本拉登为他们多一个消息。Al-Qaeda chimes in to OBL's body controversy and tells its supporters that OBL had one more message for them.

概述了编钟乐舞及研究其舞蹈动作编排系统的意义。It is summarized the Bianzhong choreography and the significance of exploring its' Motion Compilation System.

1978年在湖北随州曾侯乙墓中出土的大量文物中,以整套编钟最为珍贵。In 1978, a complete set of chimes was excavated from the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng in Suizhou, Hubei Province.

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整套编钟音律准确,音色优美,音域宽广,它在地下埋藏了2,000多年,今天依然能用它来演奏音乐。The chimes have a beautiful timber and wide range, and can still be played after being buried for over 2,000 years.

本文着重从编钟的艺术性及美学上进行论述,并研究此造型符号在现代设计之中的应用。Chime's aesthetics and art were emphasized and studied. The application of Chime symbol in design filed was discussed.

曾侯乙青铜编钟,战国,曾侯乙墓出土,湖北省博物馆藏。Bronzt Bell Chime of Zenghouyi, Warring States Period, unearthed at the Zenghouyi Tomb, in the Hubei Provincial Museum.