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不同的组织液有不同的pH水平。Different tissues have different pH levels.

我们要谨慎使用组织液药物。We should be careful with the tissue fluid medicine.

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组织液池无内皮细胞形成的壁。The walls of the tissue fluid pool were not endothelia.

人胎盘组织液穴位注射有用吗?。Is inject of point of person placenta tissue fluid useful?

它会动用其他组织液或者系统来维持。It will do this at the expense of other tissues or systems.

经络即是人体的间隙维系统,经络物质即是人体的组织液。It is interval dimension system in a body, and matter of that is tissue fluid in a body.

试述组织液的生成及其影响因素。Please describe how tissue fluid is generated and what factors influence its generation.

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本文介绍近几年用HPLC法对人体体液及动物组织液中的褪黑激素所进行的分析测定。This article focuses on analysing melatonin in human body fluid and animal tissue fluid by HPLC.

但是,他们也建议,应该通过细胞组织液来进一步研究病毒如何在器官中进行复制。But they also suggest that further research should look into how the virus replicates in the organs.

结论HPLC指纹图方法可以作为常规质量拄制指标,用于控制胎盘组织液制品批间一致性。Conclusion HPLC fingerprint can be used as a routine quality index of human placenta tissue hydrolysate.

医学实验室技术人员对人体组织液,血液以及其他体液进行化验。A medical laboratory technician performs tests on specimens of human tissue, blood, and other body fluids.

可以填补空隙的组织液,使得骨细胞与毛细血管的物质交流能够进行。Tissue fluid, which fills the lacunae, allows the transfer of materials between bone cells and capillaries.

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本品系银杏提取精华,对顽固性痤疮,又组织液渗出,伤口不愈合者有特效,。Extracted essence from gingko, It has obvious effect stubborn acne, effusion of tissue fluid and indolence of cut.

高柱状细胞被紧密排列在一起,其间只有少量的组织液。The cells are like tall blocks arranged very closely to each other with a small amount of tissue fluid in between.

目的建立人胎盘组织液制品批间一致性的质量控制方法。Objective To establish a method for analyzing the quality consistence of human placenta tissue hydrolysate of different lots.

文身后1至2天伤口有组织液渗出为正常现象,不要随意涂抹外伤药膏,不可用手触摸伤口。Man behind the 1 to 2 days of organized wound fluid leakage as a normal phenomenon, not to daub trauma ointment should not be hand-wound.

结论肌内注射胎盘组织液可以有效减少食管胃吻合口狭窄扩张治疗次数。Conclusion Intramuscular injection with HPTH can reduce the dilation times in the treatment of anastomotic stenosis after esophagogastrostomy.

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目的研究亚胺培南在严重烧伤早期痂下组织液和血浆中的药代动力学变化。Objective To study the change of pharmacokinetics parameters of imipenem in the interstitial fluids under eschar of burn rabbits in the early stage.

在生理结构上,松质骨由骨小梁构成的骨架结构和充满于该结构之间的组织液组成。The physiological structure of cancellous bone is composed of the trabeculae architecture and the tissue fluid which is full of the porous skeleton.

经过实验研究表明,人胎盘组织液肌肉注射后,迅速激活免疫系统人体内的活性因子,分泌量迅速增加。Laboratory research shows that immune system is activated rapidly after injection of human placenta tissue fluid. Active factors secrete increasingly.