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没错!哥发的就是天王。The King Of Pop !

因此人称“托塔天王”。Thus so-called "Tota kings".

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我写西游记中的,李天王是哪吒的父亲。Li Tian Wang was Nezha's father.

是的,这位流行天王也不幸与世长辞了。Yes, the King of Pop is dead as well.

你为“流行天王”迈克尔•杰克逊的死哭过吗?Did you weep for the King of Pop ’s death?

现在想到周杰伦,我们仍会视他为“天王”。When we think of Jay Chou nowadays, we see a “king”.

一开始,小钟就说「天王怎麽会只剩下一个节目?Initially, many will say "icon will only a program what?"

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我们去听那个天王巨星的演唱会,好吗?Let's go to the megastar's singing performance, shall we?

你为“流行天王”迈克尔•杰克逊的死哭过吗?Did you weep for the King of Pop Michael Jackson ’s death?

悟空二次进洞,没找到师父,却见到李天王和哪吒牌位。Monkey went to the Jade Emperor with the tablets in his hands.

但KFC依然自信的认为即便安猪不能打,湖人也会赢得天王山大战。Jackson believes the Lakers can win Game 5 even if Bynum can't play.

吉米·佩奇是这个乐队的组建人之一,他成为了摇滚乐史上的吉他演奏天王之一。Jimmy Page co-founded the band and became one of rock's guitar gods.

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另据透露,大家熟悉的香港天王级歌星将出现在闭幕式上。Superstars from Hong Kong will also perform in the closing ceremony.

是大梵天王所住的地方,寿命60小劫。The Heaven of the Great Brahma Lord is where the Great Brahma Lord lives.

四大天王与诸眷属昼夜卫护。The Four Heavenly Kings and their relatives will protect him day and night.

2006年6月,布什带小泉去了这位已故摇滚天王的故居“雅园”。Bush took Koizumi to the late King of Rock and Roll's Graceland in June 2006.

四大天王之一的阎王,其中东部属于自己的份额。One of the four kings of Hades, of which the eastern part falls to his share.

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天王出击总是褒贬不一的,众口难调的道理大家心里都明白。King of attack is always mixed, wide tune hard truth we all know that in mind.

人们一看到那尊模特就惊呆了,然后就开始不停地谈论它和天王是如何相似。Once people see it they are astounded and can't stop talking about its likeness.

她说这位流行天王的生活焦点就是为他和孩子们提供的新鲜、健康的食物。She said the pop star's focus was on fresh, healthy food for him and the children.