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她狠命地鞭打他一顿。She whipped him like forty.

愤怒之下,他抓住孩子狠命地摇。Don't shake your fist at me.

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俺什么也看不见了,他却狠命踩俺。Then he stomped me when I couldn't see.

维多利亚追将出来,狠命捶打房门。Victoria followed, hammering furiously upon his door.

愤怒之下,他抓住孩子狠命地摇。In his anger he grasped the child and shook him violently.

愤怒之下,理查德抓住孩子狠命地摇。In his anger Richard grasped the child and shook him violently.

我盯着旧地毯,更狠命地蹂躏我的鞋。I would writhe my shoe some more and stare down at the worn rug.

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雪伊的手曾经狠命地打他同时他的金手挖进她的喉咙。Shae's hands had beat at him as the golden hands dug into her throat.

我给了他狠命的一拳,然后夺门而出,留下她在后面呻吟。I gave him a sharp blow in the stomach, rushed out and left him moaning behind.

永远不要狠命的把门在背后“砰”的关上,因为你很可能还回来。Never gave in the door shut behind the "bang", because you may still come back.

于是作为替代我找了个暖床的狠命地操到脑子里的疯狂平息。Instead I summoned a bed-warmer and fucked her vigorously until the madness passed.

而后,我取出一把藏了多时的锋利的刀,狠命冲着手腕猛砍。Then I got out a very sharp knife that I had been saving and slashed my wrist deeply.

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当他捉住一只像拳头一样的两栖动物时,它狠命蹬出其后腿。When he picked up one of the fist-size amphibians , it kicked its hind legs violently.

当你在比赛中狠命推进想缩小差距时,你只要锁死前胎一次,就会让你的轮胎磨出平点。When you're pushing to close the gap, you lock the tyres just once and it takes several laps to get over the flat-spot.

人们经常会看到几十只、甚至上百只漂亮的鹦鹉在空中飞翔的时候,肆无忌惮的狠命相互碰撞。People will always find dozens, or even hundreds of beautiful parrots flying in the air, slashing the unbridled mutual collisions.

蓝色房间里唯一没有取走的玻璃流苏吊灯,朱莉一眼就看到了它,狠命地扯下一根吊坠,厨娘的不自抑地哭声。Blue room has not only taken away the tassels glass chandelier, a Julie saw it, blasted off to a pendant, the cook not to restrain from crying.

但当我恨铁不成钢狠命扭她的脑袋的时候,那种涅槃重生式的顿悟没有出现,通常她像短路一样,躺在地上打几下滚。But when turning her head at an extreme angle fails to produce a life-altering epiphany, she usually just short-circuits and rolls on her back.

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当警察拖走他时,她连续狠命地击打他,然后转过身子安慰自己的丈夫,温柔地拥抱他,为他擦去夹克上的泡沫。As police dragged him away, she pummeled him with punches, then turned to comfort her husband, tenderly hugging him and wiping foam from his jacket.

就在那个男人快割到草地边上的时候,又见到那个女郎出来了,这次是大步流星地走到邮箱跟前,猛地打开,再“砰”地一声狠命地关上,力度比前两次还要大。As the man was getting ready to edge the lawn, here she came out again, marched to the mail box, opened it and then slammed it shut harder than ever.

朋友、练或急救人员往往以为问题的根源是脱水,便要运动员狠命地喝,殊不知这可是火上浇油啊。All too often, friends, coaches or emergency personnel assume that the problem is dehydration and administer yet more liquid , making the problem worse.