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普遍适用于平原圩区低扬程排涝与灌溉的水利工程。It is universally available for low-lift drainage and irrigation projects in the plain diked areas.

合理确定圩区排涝模数对于降低涝灾损失有重要意义。Reasonably determining drainage modulus is very important for decreasing logging loss in diked area.

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合理确定圩区排涝模数对于降低涝灾损失有重要意义。To reasonably determine drainage modulus is very important for decreasing logging loss in diked area.

对城市排涝与排水问题进行了探讨,提出有关见解。The paper approaches to the urban waterlogging and drainage problem and puts forward the relevant view.

三堡排涝工程就像是给运河增加了一条排涝的大动脉,效果是立竿见影的。The effect of Sanbao Drainage Works, which adds a big artery for drainage to the Grand Canal, is instant.

农业圩区原有的排涝模数计算方法已不适用于城镇圩区。The calculation method of drainage modulus in agricultural diked area is inapplicable in urban diked area.

该模型可为海河防洪排涝与河口治理开发研究提供技术手段。The model can provide a valid method to the guideline of Hai River estuary regulation and the flood control.

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“玫瑰是最贪婪的花,”爸爸告诉我,“它们需要日照、浇水、排涝、完美的土壤,还不能有黏土。”"Roses are the greediest flower of all, " dad told me. "They need sun, water, drainage, perfect soil, no clay.

水泵站,农业灌排,城市排涝等工程。用于提升回流污泥或带渣质废水,能起到轴流泵所不及的作用。LBX screw pump applies various to , agricultural irrigation water pumping station, urban drainage project, etc.

城市排涝与排水是关系到城市安全的基础工作。It is believed that the rain-water and waterlogging drainages play a basic role for the safeguard of urban area.

针对迁安市洪水特征,提出防洪排涝措施。Considering the characteristics of local flood, it proposed the main measures in flood control and drainage system.

圩田的兴筑,在防洪、排涝、灌溉、降渍等方面均起了积极作用。The building of polder land has played an active role in flood control, drainage, irrigation and reducing immersing.

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也就是说,整个排涝引水功能是在我们肉眼看不见的情况下,悄然地发挥着功效的。That is to say, the whole draining and water drawing function is brought into play secretly without the witness of us.

其中一个较为突出的问题是城市中心排水和区域排涝的标准衔接关系。One more outstanding problem is about the relationship between city center draining standard and area draining standard.

如果这个时候开启三堡排涝工程,较快就能让运河水位降到警戒水位之下。If Sanbao Drainage Works were opened at that moment, the water level of the canal could be reduced below the warning level.

排涝设计标准的选择,各地大都没有进行经济比较论证,都是凭经验确定。The economic evaluation in selection of design standards for waterlogging control had never been proceeded all over the county.

改进平湖法是排涝规划中感潮河段水闸水力计算的重要方法。The improved Pinghu method is an important method for hydraulic computation of sluice in the drainage programming of the tidal reach.

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本文主要介绍了罗雨排涝泵站的工艺设计、结构设计、建筑设计和电气自控设计,以及泵站的运行效果。In this paper the process, structure, architectural and automatic control design and the operation of this pumping station are presented.

文章分析了这次洪涝灾害的成因,并对解决玉林城区防洪排涝问题提出探讨性意见。The article analyzes the reasons behind the disaster and provides some suggestions for the flood control and drainage work in Yulin City.

小清河是山东省泄洪、排涝、通航、灌溉、排污等综合性大型人工河道,也是省内唯一河海通航、水陆联运的河道。Xiaoqing River is a big man-made channel in Shandong province. It is used as draining off flood, sailing, irrigation and sewage drainage.