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伯爵在公爵之下。An earl is beneath a duke.

永远的毁灭公爵显示。Duke Nukem Forever is shown.

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招呼对你,我的公爵。Salutations to you, my Lord.

哪里能寻开心,公爵就到哪里去。The Duke goes where he's amused.

那是德国的梅宁根公爵。He was the duke of Saxe-Meiningen.

她的介绍人是奥尔良公爵。The Duc d'Orleans recommended her.

那边正在介绍那位公爵呢。There's the Duke being introduced.

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那个老公爵这会儿在您女邻居家里吗?Is the old Duke with your neighbour?

欢迎来到多佛,啊呀!伯肯黑德公爵。Welcome to dover my lord birkenhead.

伯爵已成为公爵的封臣。Earl has become a vassal of the Duke.

当公爵和尼莉莎谈话时。While the Duke is talking to Nerissa.

我迷恋上了梅什金公爵。I developed a crush on Prince Myshkin.

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安德烈公爵屈起了第三个指头。Prince Andrey crooked his third finger.

公爵,伯爵和男爵都是贵旅。Duckes, earls, and barons are all lords.

公爵,伯爵和男爵都是贵族。Dukes , earls, and barons are all lords.

她还做过……老公爵的情妇。She was the mistress of the old Duke de.

下一个作证人是公爵夫人的厨师。The next witness was the Duchess's cook.

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是的,公爵夫人也会有尴尬的时候。Yes, duchesses have awkward moments too.

很明显,伊莉莎现在还不能被当作公爵夫人。Clearly Eliza will not pass as a duchess.

我当过一位老公爵夫人的陪伴人。I worked as a companion to an old princess.