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一个人看见了这个河蚌。But a man saw the shell.

他就用一个网抓到了河蚌。So he went to use a net to get it.

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科学家由河蚌受启发发明新胶体。Scientists Create Glue Inspired by Mussels.

一只鹬鸟看见河蚌,就想美餐一顿。A snipe saw the clam and wanted to enjoy it.

三文鱼,蛤蜊,河蚌,虾,番茄酱。Salmon, clams, mussels , shrimp, tomato sauce.

河蚌把这颗沙粒变成了一粒珍珠。The shell used the little sand to make a pearl.

也要忌食螃蟹、田螺、河蚌等寒性食物。Also want diet crabs, snail, such from cold food.

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一只河蚌就张开两片硬壳,在河滩上舒服地晒太阳。A clam opened his two shells, basking in the beach.

一只河蚌出来晒太阳,被鹬啄住可他的肉。河蚌马上合上双壳钳住了鹬的嘴。Just as a clam came out to bask in the sun, a snipe pecked at its flesh.

河蚌为了保命,赶紧将硬壳合上,紧紧夹住了鹬的嘴。The clam immediately closed his shells and tightly clamped the snipe's beak.

有一只鹬鸟,从河蚌身边走过,就伸出喙去啄河蚌的肉。A snipe passed by the clam and stretched its bill to peck at the clam's flesh.

鹬鸟和河蚌互不相让,死死地纠缠在一起。Neither snipe nor clam would yield, and they remained in that position for a long time.

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河蚌受到突然袭击,叭地一声合上了蚌壳,像钳子般狠狠地夹住了鹬嘴。Taken by surprise, the mussel clamped the bird's bill fast with his shell like pincers.

艳阳高照,一只河蚌爬上岸,舒舒服服地躺在那里,张开蚌壳晒太阳。In the shining sun, a mussel crawled onto the beach lying there comfortably with its shell open to the sun.

本文研究河蚌外套膜组织培养细胞分泌珍珠质的药理作用。The pharmacological function of nacrum secreted by cultured pallium cells of a freshwater oyster was examined.

河蚌突然收到了袭击,急忙将坚硬的甲壳闭合,甲壳象把钳子似的紧紧夹住鹬的长嘴巴。The clam, upon receiving such an attack, quickly slammed its hard shell close, trapping the snipe's beak as tight as possible.

鹬和河蚌在沙滩上僵持了很长时间,它们都很累了,可谁也不肯让步。The snipe and clam refused to budge in the beach for a long time. They both were tired, but neither of them wanted to give in.

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同时测定了培养组织的碱性磷酸酶活性,培养组织与河蚌外套膜具有相近的比活及相对酶活。The specific and relative activities of alkaline phosphatase were similar for both nature and cultured tissues of mantles in this experiment.

Holten-Anderson和同事着手在实验室用一种人造聚合物来复制这种物质,或造一束简化版的河蚌蛋白质分子。Holten-Anderson and colleagues set out to replicate that in the laboratory using a synthetic polymer or a simplified version of a string of mussel protein molecules.

霍尔滕•安德森和同事们开始在实验室用一种人造聚合物或一剂简化版的河蚌蛋白质分子来复制这种物质。Holten-Anderson and colleagues set out to replicate that in the laboratory using a synthetic polymer or a simplified version of a string of mussel protein molecules.