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比较喜阿姐留长发还是短发?Do you prefer Zoe with long or short hair?

薇芸往医院探望阿姐谢柳欣,冤家路窄遇康莉。Eu non-success went to the hospital to visit sister Xie Liuxin, way to go to meet comrade.

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现在春天来临,路上积雪也都融化,是时候你阿姐我也开始骑单车啦!And now that spring is here and all the snow on the roads are cleared, I should start cycling too!

谈到加利谷山的三位阿姐,秀珍认为惠玉、文芳和她是“非常不同”的。Look at the three Ah Jies on Caldecott Hill, she points out – Zoe, Fann and herself are "all very different".

记忆产生于阿姐离家前,思念开始于阿姐离家后,寻找则是“我”长到阿姐那样大之后。Memory resulting from Ajie home before thoughts began A Jie left home looking for is "I" grow to as big as after Ajie.

坐在隔壁的那位阿姐读著手中的杂志时﹐看到喜欢的那一页就撕下。The lady sat beside me reading the magazine and when she saw some pages that she likes, the first action was tear it out.

因为“阿姐从小不会说话”,而且“在我记事那年离开了家”,“我”对“阿姐”的记忆就近似于无记忆。Because "Ajie childhood can not speak, " and "in my notebook that year left the family" and "I" to "A Jie" in memory of similar non-memory.

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从此我就天天天天的想啊,阿姐,呀“,这种空洞的思念,只能是自我无限欲望的冥顽的表达。"Since then I have every day, every day's like, ah, E Jie, yeah, " This sort of hollow thoughts, only the die-hard self-expression of infinite desire.

因此,所谓“一直想到阿姐那样大,我突然间懂得了她”,是“我”布下的一个自我掩饰的虚假的叙事策略。Therefore, the so-called "as big as had been thought Ajie, I suddenly learned that she" is "I" planted the false disguise of a self-narrative strategies.

这个双重掩饰,使“我”对阿姐的记忆和思念,成为对阿姐的再度魅化,是为“从此我就天天天天的找啊”铺路的。This dual cover so that the "I" right Ajie memories and thoughts, become the re-Enchantment of Ajie is to "From day by day every day I find ah, " paving the way.

试穿衣服时,非儿被阿姐踩脚警告,无限委屈,正好看到元仁,不禁略使小计,爆出家庭背景。When trying on clothes, FeiEr is big sister trample feet warning, infinite injustice, just see yuan ren, can not help but slightly small gauge, when family background.

换言之,“不会说话”和“离开了家”,作为“我”关于阿姐的记忆的全部原始材料,构成了对这个记忆本身的两个基本的否定性前提。In other words, "not speak" and "leaving home", as "I" on the memory of all the Ajie raw material, thus constituting the memory itself, the negative of the two basic premise.