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茶汤染布,古色古香。The millet paste dyes the cloth, antique.

茶染即是用茶汤来染色。It is dyed with the millet paste that tea is dyed.

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待茶汤冷热适口时,即可举杯品味。Palatability to be hot and cold tea, they can toast taste.

黑茶汤色的主要组成成分是茶黄素和茶红素。The major components of dark tea water are theaflavin and thearubigins.

在茶汤中可与咖啡因结合而缓和咖啡因对人体的生理作用。Caffeine in tea in combination with ease of caffeine on human physiology.

采用GC法对不同浸提方法提取的茶汤的香气进行了分析。Aroma in tea infusions with different extracting methods was analyzed by GC.

当这些叶片被沏成茶时,这些矿物质会进入茶汤中。When the leaves are brewed for tea, some of the minerals leach into the beverage.

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源自杭州西湖,茶汤明亮清澈,清新爽口。From West Lake in Hangzhou, this tea has a bright color and a pleasant fresh taste.

创建一个弱茶汤就会让你看到茶的颜色,以便可以对其进行评估。Creating a weak tea infusion will let you see the color of tea so that you can evaluate it.

绿茶中含量较多的维生素C氧化产生的茶褐素,会使茶汤变得黄褐不清。Green tea vitamin C content of more TB produced Su-oxidation, the tea will become clear Malacosoma.

洁面后,在面部涂茶汤,轻轻拍打洗手,有祛除色斑、美白皮肤的作用。After cleansing the face painted tea, gently pat hand, there is eliminate the stain, whitening skin.

茶汤中铬主要以有机态存在,而河水中铬则主要以悬浮态存在。Organic chromium in tea soup and suspended chromium in Fuxi river water are main forms in existence.

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二来,喝散装茶叶泡的茶,我们能从茶叶中浸泡出更多茶汤,由少渐多,非常经济实惠!Plus, drinking loose leaf tea, we can draw more infusions from the tea and get more from less! Very economic.

英国人饮茶浓淡各有所好,但一般爱在茶汤中加牛奶。The English drinks the tea shade to be to each their own, but the general love adds the milk in the tea soup.

淡淡的铜棕色泽,茶汤展现细致柔绵的口感,带有新鲜果香。A light copper and brownish tinge. liquors have a delicate but sparking quality, which impart a fruity fresh note.

不同来源的蛋白酶对茶汤中的可溶性蛋白和茶叶中的非水溶性蛋白的酶解效果存在很大的差异。There was a big difference of enzymolysis effects on tea protein among proteinases derived from different materials.

研究了轻重做青方式对凤凰单枞乌龙茶水浸出物和茶汤呈香物质等品质的影响。The aroma compounds and water extraction of oolong tea were investigated to ascertain the optimal zuoqing technology.

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英女王不但喜欢用它冲奶茶,还喜欢观赏茶汤中飞舞的芽叶。The Queen of England not only loves to make milk tea with it but also enjoys watching the leaves dancing in the water.

乌龙茶是中国茶的代表,是一种半发酵的茶,透明的琥珀色茶汤是其特色。Oolong is the delegate of Chinese tea, it is a kind of half barmy tea, transparent amber tea soup is its characteristic.

玻璃滤胆设计,有效防止茶叶随茶水倒出,入口时,仅是清香醇润的茶汤,再也没有混杂茶叶的苦涩。Glass infuser design keeps tea leaves separated when pouring. Enjoy the pure taste of tea without biting into any bitter leaves.