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我的目标是在今年年底达到57英石。My goal is to be 57st by the end of the year.

他的体重为十五英石,即两百一十英镑或九十五公斤。He had a weight of 15 stone or 210 pounds or 95 kilograms.

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21岁时,我的体重达到了10英石,我终于能够从容地面对自己了。I hit 10 stone at the age of 21 and finally felt at ease with myself.

与此同时她鼓励体重5英石9磅的女儿玫思尽情享用巧克力和杯形蛋糕。At the same time she encourages 5st 9lb Maisy to enjoy chocolate and cupcakes.

但在接下来的两年内,她的体重下降至八英石,月经也停止了。But within two years her weight was down to eight stone and her periods stopped.

两年前,当我体重达到35英石时,我发现我吸引了更多男性的眼球。Two years ago I hit 35st and noticed I had actually started attracting more men.

在中国最受追捧的的岩石当属灵壁石和灰色英石。The most highly sought stones in China are black Lingbishi and slate gray Yingshi.

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通过合理设计釉组成,研制出了一种不含锆英石微粉的生料乳浊釉。A zircon-free raw opaline glaze with reasonable chemical composition has been developed.

有趣的是,他没有创造一个18英石重的女性机器人,而是用苗条的来代替。Funny that he didn't create an 18st woman as his robot instead going for something slim.

通过合理设计釉组成,研制出了一种不含锆英石微粉的生料乳浊釉。A zircon-free raw opaline glaze with appropriate chemical composition has been developed.

研究了锆英石微粉对镁质浇注料结构及性能的影响。The effect of zircon micropower on the structure and properties of magnesia castable were studied.

本研究以偏高岭石、锆英石和氧化铈等为主要原料研制增白剂。The research developed a kind of whitening agent with the main materials of zircon, metakaolin, and CeO.

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为了安慰自己而狂吃使她迅速发胖到15英石,因此在学校被人戏弄,丧失了自信心。Comfort eating caused her to balloon to 15st, and she was teased at school and lost confidence in herself.

24个小时之后,她感觉好多了,人开始活跃了,她减去了半英石的体重,皮肤出奇的洁净。Twenty-four hours later she was feeling actively well, had lost half a stone and had amazingly clear skin.

凯尔在此次活动中一次举起了308磅的重量,超过此前纪录保持者5英石。The youngster smashed the previous record by over five stone after he hoisted a 308lb weight in one clean lift.

在叶蜡石加热到1000℃后的X射线粉晶衍射谱图上,出现了莫来石和方英石的特征谱线。After heating to 1000℃, X-ray powder diffraction will show characteristic lines due to mullite and cristobalite.

公司总部位于抚顺市沈抚公路北线英石段28号,交通极为便捷。Headquartered in Shenyang, Fushun City, Fushun Highway north line st paragraph 28, the traffic is very convenient.

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研究了加入各种反应烧结助剂对锆英石质多孔陶瓷反应烧结过程的影响。Various sintering aids and their effects on the reaction sintering process of porous zircon have been investigated.

本文通过对锆英石原料、成型工艺和烧成工艺的研究,确定了锆英石质研磨体的生产工艺。The production process of zircon grinders was confirmed by studying zircon mineral, forming and sintering techniques.

32岁的苏珊娜·埃曼立志要在四十岁时体重达到115英石。而她的方法就是每个星期摄入六辆超市手推车的食物。Susanne Eman, 32, aims to reach 115st by her forties by consuming enough food to fill six supermarket trolleys every week.