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对我来说,这可是一个全新的用法。This was a new one on me.

十分口语的用法,指喝啤酒去!A very slangy word for beer.

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阅读用法说明。Read the directions for use.

而且用法是一样的,对吧But used the same way, right?

人们现在不用法寻了。People don't use farthings now.

人们现在不用法新了。People don't use farthings now.

汝是你的过去用法。Thee is an archaic form of you.

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复习不定式的用法。Review the usages of infinitives.

这种用法已牢牢确立起来了。The usage is now firmly indurated.

在这里,我也将会谈一谈不对称的用法。We will also talk about asymmetry.

其用法类似自我识别项。It is used like the self-identifier.

这种用法现已得到确认。The usage is now firmly established.

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英语中这一词的用法至少可追溯到1734年。English usage dates to at least 1734.

例句与用法罗城的四面修有城门,上起高楼。Luo city have door and the high-rise.

文档编制和会话式用法Documentation and conversational usage

这也是这个句型一种很不错的用法。And it's a great way to use the pattern.

现代汉语中“怎么”的非疑问用法。Part two, the usage of non-interrogation.

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您可以为其他用法创建新事件。You can create new events for other uses.

你必须能够检查用法说明。You have to be able to check instructions.

你的责任是非谓语动词的用法照料这个病孩。Your duty is to look after the sick child.