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你今天得寸进尺了。You’re pushing your luck today.

但那也许是得寸进尺了。But that was probably asking too much.

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医生说我这是在得寸进尺。The doctors told me I was pushing my luck.

“那买两个护目镜呢?”维斯有些得寸进尺。"What about two goggles?" Wes wants to know next.

还想怎么样?得寸进尺吗?该有的好处你已经得到了。What else do you want? Egg in you beer? You already have it good.

“现在你明白了吧,我的布兰奇女王”英格拉姆夫人开腔了,“她得寸进尺了。You see now, my queenly Blanche, began Lady Ingram, she encroaches.

有没有觉的越是迁就一个人,那个人就越是得寸进尺。There is no sense more to accommodate a person, that person is more insatiable.

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如果我们听任孩子们今晚迟睡,这就会成为他们得寸进尺的开端。If we let the children stay up late tonight, it'll be the thin end of the wadge.

小熊哥哥和妹妹是我见过的最急功近利、最贪得无厌、最得寸进尺的人!Brother and Sister have the worst case of the galloping greedy gimmes I've ever seen!

闺蜜就是你越是迁就她,她就越是得寸进尺,但是你们的关系依旧那么好。Bestie is the more you give her, the more she is insatiable, but the relationship is still so good.

“现在你明白了吧,我的布兰奇女王”英格拉姆夫人开腔了,“她得寸进尺了。听说,我的天使姑娘——还有——”You see now, my queenly Blanche, began Lady Ingram, she encroaches. Be advised, my angel girl -- and.

您能给我一个范本吗?不要怪我得寸进尺,实在是没有办法!谢谢!Can you give me a model for painting? Do not blame my be insatiable, it is to do not have method really! Thank!

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她不过是洞察人情世故,知道稍微的让步也会让对手得寸进尺。She is but wisely realistic, knowing that the least concession is the inch which precedes that impossible the repulsive ell.

时时都准备着回答客户的电话或邮件并没有错,但是有些客户会得寸进尺。Nothing’s wrong with being ready and willing to help clients when they call or email, but some clients take advantage of such kindness.

但是,正直而博古通今的有维居然有一对自私自利、得寸进尺、恬不知耻之爸爸妈妈丁财旺与米仁爱!But, integrity and BoGuTongJin haved incredibly have a pair of selfish, beer, mom and dad DingCai flourishing of shameless and meters of love!

我们在把他们俩带大的过程中设了坚定的界限,因为如果不设限制,小孩子会不由自主地,得寸进尺地要求你回应他们。We brought them both up with firm boundaries because we had seen that, without set limits, children felt compelled to push and push to achieve a reaction.

于是周日面对一群固执的报人和得寸进尺的记者,贝克汉姆优雅自信的致辞,接受由过去十年间不断质询他的同一批人颁发的奖杯。And so in front of a gathering of hard-headed journalists and foot-in-the-door reporters, Beckham spoke with grace and assurance in accepting his award on Sunday.

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不过遇到得寸进尺的顾客一定要把话语充足,你可以说我店商品明码标价货真价实,我们一般情况下是不打折扣的。But when the customer must take the insatiable words is enough, you can say I shop commodity price tag is generally genuine goods at a fair price, we do not discount.

由于担心中国面对日本在边界问题上会得寸进尺,因此日本这次面对中国的要求时被动的一反常态地采取对你态度。Concern that Chinese pressure on Japan’s borders will only grow has led to uncharacteristically strident calls in normally passive Japan to stand up to China’s demands.

日本非不返躬自省,且得寸进尺,狂妄凶悍,自为己有称雄天下之力,而视我中国为羸弱之邦。However, instead of reflecting themselves, the cruel and insatiable Japs regards China as a weak state and believes that they themselves could dominate the whole world.