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湖南是一个人杰地灵,景色秀美的地方。Hunan is a place of greatness and beauty.

是一个山青水秀、人杰地灵的好地方。Is a a good place for outstanding people.

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我公司位于人杰地灵。My company is located in outstanding people.

汤阴历史悠久,人杰地灵。Tangyin has a long history and outstanding people.

我从小就生活在这鱼米之乡、人杰地灵的盐城。I was born in a land of fish and rice -Yancheng city.

公司座落在山青水秀、人杰地灵的佛山市里水镇。The company is located in outstanding Town of Foshan city.

华盛顿地区人杰地灵,从这里走出了许多全世界最优秀的记者。Washington is home to some of the best journalists in the world.

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这里,人杰地灵,群贤荟萃。Here is an inspiring place producing outstanding and talented people.

我的家乡在宁乡,这里人杰地灵,物产丰富。My hometown is in ningxiang, here beautiful, and the product is rich.

上虞就是这样一个人杰地灵人才辈出的地方啊。Shangyu is a place with remarkable people coming forth in large numbers.

这个城市荟萃中西文化,人杰地灵。The city showcases the East and the West and produces outstanding people.

大成镇物阜民丰,人杰地灵,是广西著名的“香蕉之乡”。Fu Shing town properties Freeman, outstanding, Guangxi famous "banana town."

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这里物华天宝、人杰地灵,中药材资源丰富。Here nature's treasures, old times, Chinese herbal medicine is rich in resources.

这里人杰地灵,交通发达,物华天宝,环境优美。Here old times, traffic developed, and materials, Tianbao, a beautiful environment.

滨江临海、人杰地灵,南北交汇,得天独厚的地理位置。Riverside waterfront, outstanding people, north-south intersection, a unique location.

所以甲秀楼是贵阳人杰地灵的象征,是贵阳山水与文化的精华。So leave a building is the symbol of Guiyang is outstanding, Guiyang landscape and culture.

公司位于经济发达、交通便捷、风景秀丽、人杰地灵的繁华城市---芜湖。It is Located in a flourishing city Wuhu which has developed economic and convenient traffic.

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山西绛县经济开发区所在地历史悠久,人杰地灵。Jiangxian Economic Development Zone, located in Shanxi has a long history, outstanding people.

公司座落于上海市奉贤南端的海滨之城——新海,周围环境优美,人杰地灵,交通十分便利。The surrounding enviroment is beautiful people here are good and the traffic is very convenient.

大路镇人杰地灵,民风淳朴,社会安定,吸引众多海内外客商投资置业。Dalu Town, a place propitious for giving birth to many outstanding people, boasts simple folkway.