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我的靴子是皮革制的。My boots are made of hide.

他气愤地嗖嗖地抽打他的靴子。He angrily swished his boot.

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我穿着这双靴子没法渡水。I can't wade in these boots.

没有这些宝石色调的靴子。Not these jewel-toned boots.

靴子踩在积雪上吱吱作响。Snow creaked under the boots.

过度的穿用已经磨损了这双靴子。Hard use has worn these boots.

他帮小猫做了一双靴子。He makes Puss a pair of boots.

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仆人给他的靴子擦黑鞋油。The servant blacked his boots.

他帮我脱掉了靴子。He helped me off with my boots.

我想找一双厚底高跟式的靴子。I'm looking for platform boots.

仆人给他的靴子擦黑鞋油。Thee servant blacked his boots.

他的靴子溅满污泥。His boots were dabbled with mud.

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他的靴子上沾有泥渍。His boots were spotted with mud.

我的脚伸不进这只靴子。My foot won't go into this boot.

他的靴子上沾有泥渍。Hiss boots were spotted with mud.

这些靴子应搁在壁橱里。These boots belong in the closet.

也是靴子印儿,但稍小一些。Boot prints, as well, but smaller.

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他走动时他的靴子发出咯吱咯吱的声音。His boots squelched when he walked.

那可不仅仅是只旧靴子。That isn't just any manky old boot.

可回收塑料袋制作的靴子。Boots made of recycled plastic bags.