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焉耆盆地是中国西部众多中新生代小型含煤盆地之一。Yanqi basin is a coal bearing basin in west China.

你们是可以改变世界的新生代先锋队。A new generation of young pioneers making a difference.

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如伤痕,乡土,新生代等等的现实主义美术。If scar, local, cainozoic era and so on realism fine arts.

二是小说里是否出现“新生代”的词句,陈村堪称此类作家的代表。Chen Cun is the representative of the writers of such type.

李铁属于“新生代”实力派作家。Li Tie is a really powerful writer of the "new generation".

凹陷中新生代火山作用强烈,也具有多期性。The volcanism is strong in Cenozoic and has several periods.

这些抗议说明了什么,中国新生代工人又是怎样的一群人?What do these protests say about China’s new generation of workers?

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辽河盆地是中、新生代发育起来的裂谷盆地。Liaohe basin is a rift basin developed in the mesozoic and cenozoic.

黄骅坳陷属新生代张性盆地。Huanghua depression belongs to the tensile basin in the Cenozoic era.

青东凹陷是新生代伴随郯庐断裂活动而形成的凹陷。Tan-Lu fault zone is active giant fracture zone in the east of China.

辽东湾-下辽河盆地是一个富含油气的新生代裂陷盆地。Liaodongwan-Xialiaohe basin is a Cenozoic plate interior rifting basin.

新生代作家持续发力,在中国文坛一石激起千层浪。New waves of authors continue making a splash in China'sliterary scene.

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这种独特的自我价值关怀深刻地感染了新生代。This kind of unique self- concern profoundly infected the cainozoic era.

辽河盆地是一新生代断陷盆地,盆地内天然气资源丰富,天然气成因复杂。Liaohe basin is a fault basin of rift valley type formed in cenozoic era.

龙川江盆地是造山带内部发育的新生代小型山间断陷盆地。Longchuanjiang basin is a small Cenozoic intramontane down-faulted basin.

事实上,白一彤正是中国新生代官员的代表。Indeed, Bai is a part of a emerging new trend of younger officials in China.

潍北盆地是发育于郯庐断裂带内的中、新生代盆地。Weibei Basin is a Mesozoic-Cenozoic basin developed in the Tanlu fault zone.

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新生代是一个充满了地壳巨变和剧烈火山活动的时期。The Cainozoic period, was a period of upheaval and extreme volcanic activity.

俄罗斯远东和中国东北前新生代可划分为8个大地构造单元。There are 8 geotectonic elements in Pre-Cenozoic in FE Russian and NEC China.

现在你们是新生代,但是不久的将来,你们也会逐。Rightnow the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually.