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这套戏法要求手快。This trick demands sleight of hand.

有很多工作要做,人多手快。More is better when there's a lot to do.

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学习能力强,工作上手快。In strong learning ability and quickly working ability.

外野手快跑接住了飞向中外野的远球。The outfielder pulled down a long drive to center-field.

工作上手快,再学习能力强,并乐在其中。Work elbow, and strong ability to learn and have fun doing it.

在平均正确反应时上,右利手快于左利手。The response of right-handers were more quickly than that of left-handers.

掐指一算,分手快半个世纪了,现在都已是风烛残年。It was about half a century since we last met, and we were now both in our declining years.

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既然你比起合手更能掌控分手练习,那么分手弹奏获得的进步就要比合手快得多,也更能避免紧张或和坏习惯的形成。Since you have more control HS, you can get away with much faster play HS than HT without increasing stress or forming bad habits.

可以看世纪公园全景观,房子已经有人在谈了,你现在来电可能还不晚,机会留给手快者!Century Park can see the whole landscape, the house has been talking about, and you might not call the evening of the opportunity to leave the fast chips are!

加索尔得到23分,同时还有五名队友得分上双,湖人也以113-95轻松击败同城对手快船队,这场胜利也让湖人拿到七连胜。Pau Gasol scored 23 points, five teammates finished in double figures, and the Lakers beat the short-handed Clippers, 113-95, tonight for their seventh straight victory.