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碰巧,泓泓也是农历今天生日。The next day will be my birthday.

交通工具设计系农历新年贺卡奉上!Merry Chritmas And Happy New Year!

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为即将到来的农历新年我们该做些什么?What should we do for the coming CNY?

春节即农历新年。The Spring Festival is the lunar New Year.

农历八月十八是一年一度的观潮日。The annual lunar August 18, tidal bore is.

农历中秋夜,月亮象银子一样亮。Festival , the moon is as bright as silver.

这是农历年中第一个月圆之夜!It's the first full moon of the lunar year!

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青少年在农历新年时都会发一笔财。Teenagers make a fortune on Chinese New Year.

恭祝农历己丑牛年新春吉祥如意!Happy Spring Festival of Lunar Jichou Ox Year!

一年一度的农历六月初六,是羌民族的祭山会。The ceremony is held annually in lunar June 6.

恭祝农历戊子鼠年新春吉祥!Happy Spring Festival of Lunar Wuzi Mouse Year!

在农历五、六月是黄皮成熟的季节。Lunar 5, June is the season of yellow maturity.

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元旦节,我们庆祝中国农历新年。New Year's Day we celebrate the Chinese New Year.

今天是农历八月二十一号。燕纸的生日。我求祝福,求花花。Today it is my birthday, happy birthday to myself.

我们有一本农历可供查对。There's a lunar calendar for us to check the dates.

因为农历上说今天是黄道吉日啊。Because the lunar calendar says today is auspicious.

在中国农历年的第一天打扫卫生。Do cleaning on the first day of the Chinese New Year.

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每年农历新年游行及园游会。Each year the lunar New Year parade and garden party.

这就是为什么汽车销售在农历假期前达到最高峰的原因。This is why car sales peak just prior to the holiday.

它的日子是在农历的正月廿九日。Its date is in lunar calendar on first lunar month 29.