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添加标题。Add headings.

标题很愚蠢。Foolish headline.

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准备一个标题栏。Prepare a caption.

无标题文档。Non-title documents.

标题让我想起一部经典电影的台词!I want to play a game.

你的标题十分吸引人。Your headline is very catchy.

她还没给自己的文章加标题。She hasn't titled her article.

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当有2-10种标题时。There are 2-10 category titles.

他给他的书加了两个标题。He headlined his book two titles.

你可以通览一下所有的标题。You can go through the headlines.

无聊或者不提供信息的标题。Boring or uninformative headlines.

他看了一眼大标题。He cast a glance at the headlines.

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嗯,你没看错标题。Yep, you read that headline right.

标题我真高兴结果是个好天。I'm so glad it has turned out fine.

用于标题的点击测试选项。The hit test option for the caption.

他们把我的报道加了个通栏大标题。They headed my report with a banner.

标题中国红豆属的研究。A study on the Chinese Ormosia Jacks.

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每个章节的标记与标题独为一行。Above a major heading , and one line.

不要在标题上小心谨慎和含糊不清。Don't be cagey or vague in headlines.

拉标题横条移动窗口。Drag the titlebar to move the window.