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一名男子用杯子砸向另一个人的头,还有一个人眼睛暴出,真是一场血战。One person's eye was popping out. It was a bloodbath.

阿拉伯革命武装已经达到了血战的高潮,联合国的禁飞区决意获得通过之后联合军也开始轰炸利比亚。The Arab Revolution has come to a bloody culmination.

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刀纹龙与日军血战,英勇牺牲。The Japanese sword grain dragons and retreat, brave sacrifice.

永野修身也可以被打败,只不过一场血战不可避免。Osami Nagano can be beaten, but not without one hell of a scrap.

为保卫华北和沿海各地而血战到底。Fight to the finish in defence of northern China and the seacoast.

为什么不像岳飞一样血战沙场、保家卫国?Why are not like the bloody battle of Yue Fei and defend the motherland?

我们中华民族有同自己的敌人血战到底的气概。We Chinese have the spirit to fight the enemy to the last drop of our blood.

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为收复平津和东北而血战到底。Fight to the finish for the recovery of Peiping, Tientsin and northeastern China.

雷子枫一伙人与支援团城的日军大部队进行了一场血战。LeiZiFeng group TuanCheng and support of the Japanese large forces on a bloody battle.

雷阿伦见了红,墨菲鼻子上挨了一下,所有人都处在血战状态。Ray Ray got bloodied, Murph took a shot to the nose and we were all settled it to battle.

持续不断的血战,将不容置疑地回答这个问题。The bloody events of the ongoing war would indisputably provide an answer to that speculation.

尚云祥随老师李存义参加义和团,血战天津老龙头火车站,刃扫八国联军。Shang Yunxiang participate with the teacher Li Cun-yi Boxer, fought in old Tianjin Railway Station.

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他们表示一定要回到队伍中拿起武器继续跟日本鬼子血战到底。They said must return to the team to take up arms to continue with Japanese devils spawn to the end.

自此之后,再也没有矮人见过甘云那,也没有矮人知道他在极北地区血战混沌的事迹。Dwarfs have little knowledge of magic as it is practiced by Elves and Humans, and they have no wizards as such.

在此地区以前很少与塔利班发生冲突,城市战将成为这场血战的标志。It promises to be a bloody battle marked by urban warfare, which has rarely occurred in clashes with the Taliban.

在空袭开始时,政府军雄赳赳气昂昂地挺进了班加西。一场血战似乎不可避免。When the air strikes began, government forces were poised to enter Benghazi. A bloodbath appeared to be inevitable.

石敢当面对众多日本武士丝毫不惧,脱掉衣服露出结实的肌肉开始跟日本武士们血战。I dare stone face many Japanese samurai without fear, clothes show strong muscle began with the Japanese samurai bloody battle.

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经过这次血战之后,纳拉甘塞特人在酋长Canonchet的带领下加入到菲利普抵抗欧洲殖民者的斗争中。After this bloody battle, the Narragansett--led by their war chief Canonchet-- joined in Philip's struggle against the Europeans.

然而“血战到底”毕竟缺乏相应的技术性,这是包括这个规则的狂热爱好者们也不能否认的事实。However" fight to the bitter end" after all, lack of technology, which is including the rules enthusiasts also cannot deny the fact.

宛如皇帝血战之后,需要一个盛大的庆功宴一样,首相发起了聚焦经济增长十四天的行动。Like an ancient king who demands a feast after a bloody battle, the prime minister launched a fortnight of focus on economic growth.