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她的心智已失去活力。Her mind has lost its spring.

生命在于鲜活心智。Life is always freshening mind.

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就是清醒的心智,清醒的思考。It's just clear mind, clear thinking.

挑战自己的心智,学习新技能。Challenge your mind. Learn a new skill.

我能感受到你在蛊惑我的心智。I can feel that you mesmerize my heart.

我仅专注自己的心智修练和疗愈自己。I do my own mental work and heal myself.

在你的心智底下如大海沉石he sank beneath your wisdom like a stone

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他读一些陶冶性情的书籍,以提高自己的心智。He read edifying books to improve his mind.

人的心智是一个神秘莫测的谜团。The mind is a mysterious, mysterious thing.

有时候,你又会想,“我”的存在即自己的心智。Some of the time you think you are your mind.

这就是心智-情志细胞记忆的康复疗法。This is mental-emotional cell memory healing.

你愿意在将来见到更多心智信息吗?Would you like more PsychBytes in the future?

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精神是树,心智则是果。Spirit is the tree, and the mind is the fruit.

你们知道有个大心智与小心智。You know there is a Big Mind and a small mind.

游手好闲会使人心智生锈。Idles about can cause the human mental to rust.

因此,不要让你的生活和心智经常溜号。So don’t let your life and your mind slip away.

看来,男人的心智与性器是和谐的。The men's minds and genitals were in agreement.

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记住,要真正领会终极实相,你得走出你的心智。Remember, to truly understand Ultimate Reality you

他们的心智进入了一种流畅状态,一刻不停歇地忘我工作。They get into a state of flow and just keep going.

我想要在最后的六十年中都能有三十岁的身体和不断成长的心智。I want the 30-year-old body last 60 years of my life.