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云层正在招集。Clouds are banking up.

我们招集不到足够的男孩组成一支足球队。We could not drum up enough boys to make a football team.

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5月19日和20日,在华盛顿,国家标准与技术研究院将招集相关部门开会,讨论标准实施路线。NIST will hold a stakeholders’ meeting for the standards road map May 19 and 20 in Washington.

扬克招集了一些黑人商人,出资赞助乔参加职业拳赛,乔连胜四场。Yank lined up some black businessmen to sponsor joe as a professional boxer, and he won four fights.

每年全球观测机构都招集数千名全世界的志愿者来帮助完成这项科学研究工程。Each year, Earthwatch employs thousands of volunteers worldwide to help with scientific research projects.

那么永恒主你的上帝就必使你恢复故业,就必怜悯你,将你从永恒主你的上帝分散你到的万族之民中再招集回来。And thou shalt return and obey the voice of the LORD, and do all his commandments which I command thee this day.

富有经验的技术人员和工程师从跨跃整个中国招集参加鱼雷发展队伍。Experienced technicians and engineers were recruited from across the country to join the torpedo development team.

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这两名医生都招集了他们的一些病人参与这项研究,并对每个病人进行追踪观察至少十年。Both doctors have enrolled some of their patients in the study, and each patient will be followed for at least 10 years.

如果能够招集六千五百万个同党,共同来做这一件荒谬的犯罪行为,我将成为一个光荣大国的分子。If i can get sixty-five million accomplices to join me in this criminal absurdity, i become one of a great and glorious nation.

研究初期,Wedekind博士招集了一些女性志愿者去闻男人穿了三天的T恤衫并对它们作出吸引力的评定。In his original study Dr Wedekind recruited female volunteers to sniff men's three-day-old T-shirts and rate them for attractiveness.

计画的目标是招集500所动物园、水族馆、植物园、大专院校以及其他机构,以拯救500种两生动物。The Amphibian Ark hopes to recruit 500 zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens, universities and other institutions to each support a species.

每周我们的女性高级教师都会把我们招集到一起两次,然后教我们女孩该有的行为举止和如何避免在年少的时候发生性行为。Every week our senior woman teacher gathers all the girls together twice and she teaches us how to behave as girls and avoid sex at a young age.

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我和纳尔逊牧师提及他每天清晨是如何招集学生祈祷,开始我们那乡镇小学校的一天。I reminded the Reverend Nelson how each morning he would open our little country town's grammar school with a prayer over his assembled students.

第二天,干部科长招集我们所有的英语人员在招待所开会,传达部里的文件。The following day, the director of the Personnel Department called a meeting of all the English staff in the guesthouse to transmit the ministry document.

1760年以前,标准方式是村民将工作带回自己家里完成,到了1820年,就变成了招集工人们进到工厂,实行监管作业。Before 1760, it was standard to take work to villagers in their own homes. By 1820, it was standard to bring workers into a factory and have them overseen.

他见时机已到就私下招集股东大会,将姜贤哲病危的事情放给媒体曝光,又架空了姜敏浩。He saw that time had to gather in private shareholders general meeting, put to the media exposure, the thing Jiang Xianzhe was dying and aerial Jiang Minhao.

我把旅行计划发到校内论坛上,希望能够招集一些驴友,但很失望没有人敢尝试如此艰难的长途跋涉。I posted my plans on the campus forum in hopes that I would find someone to go with me, but to my disappointment no one dared to try such a tough, long journey.

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当我得知布里斯托尔的商家希望在克利夫顿峡谷上建一座桥并招集桥梁设计方案时,这一次经历就将被证明是非常宝贵的。This was to prove a golden experience when it was known that the merchants of Bristol wished to have a bridge built across the Clifton Gorge and invited designs for it.

相传张道陵于此招集三官、太岁、百鬼,共誓遵守大道,人鬼分理,百姓得以平安生活。It is said that Zhangdaolin summoned Sanguan, Taisui and various ghosts to vow to abide by the principle, separating ghost from this world for a better life of ordinary people.

贸易联邦入侵那卜期间,艾米达拉女王和巴拿卡队长招集的反抗组织利用快速和捷安陆行艇,渗透入被围困的席德城。During the Trade Federation invasion of Naboo, the resistance groups organized by Captain Panaka and Queen Amidala employed Flash and Gian speeders to infiltrate the besieged city of Theed.