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他最后沦落到了流浪人的贫民区。He ended up on skid row.

他的后半生一直过着流浪的生活。He hoboed his last years.

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这就是流浪的美之所在。That was the beauty of it.

汤姆在各个城镇流浪。Tom drifts from town to town.

我们谈到流浪生活。We talked of life on the road.

他已过了三年的流浪生活。He has hoboed for about 3 years.

上帝保护你流浪的日子!God bless thee in thy wanderings!

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他过了几年流浪生活。He spent several years on the bum.

我已经流浪了二十年啦。I’ve been a waif for twenty years!

马车夫那种流浪生活真妙。Curious the life of drifting cabbies.

约翰失业后过着流浪生活。John lost his job and went on the bum.

约翰失去工作过着流浪生活。John lost his job and went on the bum.

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乞丐们在街头流浪。The beggars tramped about the streets.

一个流浪的人偶师来到了一个小镇上。A A wandering puppeteer goes to a town.

而梦的阡陌间,我在流浪。But on the way of dream, I'm itinerant.

我们在那里遇到了一伙流浪的乞丐。We met a band of vagrant beggars there.

流浪的安古斯是为了什么?What is the goal of "Wandering Aengus"?

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谁要跟我一起来带著背包流浪?Who'll come a- waltzing Matilda with me?

他在南太平洋一个岛屿海滨流浪。He beachcombed on a South Pacific island.

他以一个流浪人的声音喊道。He cried out in the voice of a tipsy man.