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是谁在故地迎亲?Who greets at the old haunt?

第二天长文来迎亲,但王家大门紧闭。Long to set out the next day, but the wangs are closed.

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上门迎亲。The bridegroom goes to the bride's home to escort her to the wedding.

吹歌通常是在迎亲、喜庆或迎神等场合演奏。Winds are usually in the wedding songs, happy or welcome playing God and so on.

当建璋前来迎亲的时候,尹家的新娘却突然消失了。When the time came to build Zhang escort, Yin jooping home bride suddenly disappeared.

很多新娘虽然穿白婚纱,但迎亲车队却是一溜儿黑色轿车。While many brides wear white wedding dress, but the team is a slip Bridal few black sedan.

经历这番波折,迎亲队伍只好在镇上住了一晚,次日再回谢家。Through these twists and turns, set out to live in the town for a night, the next day to go back to Xie Gu.

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参加了许多次婚礼,这是我第一次参加迎亲的队伍。感受很不一样。Have attended many times wedding ceremony, it is the first time that I attend the troops that meets bride. Feelings is very different.

他们在教堂与新郎一方的迎亲队伍汇合后,双方互相祝贺,象征着连接彼此的亲戚关系正式形成。They meet the groom's procession at the church and greetings, symbolizing the kinship which now unites the two families, are exchanged.

他拉起她的手,带她走进他早晨为迎亲而洗澡的那个屋,然后,点燃了桌子上的一根红蜡烛。He took her by the hand and led her into the room where that morning he had bathed himself for her, and he lit a red candle upon the table.

第二天,晓荣将秀玉背到院里,长文前来迎亲,穿着红嫁衣的淑萍郑重地把自己的手交到长文手里。The second day, jade XiaoRong will show back to yard, long to come to wedding, wearing a red wedding clothes shu ping solemnly to put his hand into long hands.

迎亲的大喜日子如正逢新娘月经来潮,就会认为给男家带来了晦气,要倒大霉,必须举行相关仪式禳解。If the red-letter day meets the bride's menses , it is considered as unlucky to bridegroom's family, which must carry through special ritual to avoid misfortune.

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在一伙恶棍还没来得及把香烟掐灭之前,这支‘迎亲队'就猛然扑向了广东的一个小村庄,抓捕了一个香烟骗子团伙。Before a gang of thugs could even put out their cigarettes, this 'wedding party 'swooped down on a village in Guangdong, capturing a gang of cigarette racketeers.

结婚当天,罗宾身穿印度传统的新郎礼服,与400多名村民组成浩大的迎亲队伍步行到离家3公里的“拉克希米”山。When the wedding day came, Robin wore a traditional bridegroom's outfit and set out on foot with a large festive party from his village to the hill 3 kilometres away.