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我真想去看那部新上映的电影。I really want to see that new movie.

一部新片即将在城市剧院上映。A new movie will be on at City Theater.

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洛杉基整在上映什么香港电影?What Hong Kong movies are showing in L.

“超级奶爸”大概上映了一年。"The Pacifier" played for, like, a year.

这星期当地的电影院上映什么片子?Whatis on in your locis cinema this week?

本镇有什么中国电影上映吗?Are there any Chinese movies playing in town?

他们希望这个故事在哪里上映?Where do they want the story to take viewers?

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一部叫做“白雪公主”的儿童剧正在上映。There's a good play called 'Snow White' is on.

电影,你想知道正在上映的电影吧?Movies. You like knowing what's playing, right?

未来几周还有几部大片即将上映。Franchise releases will pick up in coming weeks.

我期待已久的电影今天上映了。The movie which I long-waited was released today.

我的电影短片即将在电影节上映了。My short film is about to hit the festival circuit.

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这部剧分别在百老汇、伦敦和洛杉矶上映。It played on Broadway and in London and Los Angeles.

许多人希望节日期间上映新影片。Many people wanted new films on during the holidays.

在百老汇电影中心和影艺上映。Playing at Broadway Cinematheque and Cine- Art House.

北京暂缓了所有海外电影的上映档期。Beijing has imposed a moratorium on new foreign films.

魂断蓝桥正在上映,我今天要去看。Gone With The Wind is on . I am going to see it today.

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一九九七年,获准上映的这类影片共有1697部。In 1997, 1697 such items were approved for exhibition.

陆川说他希望影片能在日本上映。Mr. Lu said he hoped it would be distributed in Japan.

但这仅仅是600余家影院上映的结果。But this merely is a result which 600 theaters screens.